south-east — ► NOUN 1) the point of the horizon midway between south and east. 2) the south eastern part of a country, region, or town. ► ADJECTIVE 1) lying towards, near, or facing the south east. 2) (of a wind) from the south east. ► ADVERB ▪ to or … English terms dictionary
South East — the South East a) the southeastern part of England, including London, which has a high population and many industries and businesses b) the southeastern part of the US, including the states of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina … Dictionary of contemporary English
South East — [ saʊθ iːst], Wirtschaftsplanungsregion in Südostengland, 27 224 km2, 17,99 Mio. Einwohner; umfasst London sowie die Countys Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Essex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Isle of Wight, Kent, Ox … Universal-Lexikon
south|east|er|ly — «SOWTH EES tuhr lee; Nautical SOW EES tuhr lee», adjective, adverb. 1. toward the southeast. 2. from the southeast … Useful english dictionary
south|east|er — «SOWTH EES tuhr; Nautical SOW EES tuhr», noun. a wind or storm coming from the southeast … Useful english dictionary
south-east — ♦♦ also South East 1) N UNCOUNT: also the N The south east is the direction which is halfway between south and east. The city of Che̱ng Tu lies some seven hundred miles to the South East. 2) N SING: usu the N, oft N of n The south east of a place … English dictionary
ˌsouth-ˈeast — noun I 1) [U] the direction that is between south and east 2) the ˌsouth ˈeast [singular] the part of a place that is in the south east House prices are higher in London and the south east.[/ex] ˌsouth ˈeastern adj II adj ˌsouth ˈeast in the… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
south-east — I south east UK / US or southeast UK [ˌsaʊθˈiːst] / US [ˌsaʊθˈɪst] noun [uncountable] * the direction that is between south and east. The south east is the part of a country that is in this direction. II south east UK / US or southeast UK… … English dictionary
south-east — /saʊθ ˈist / (say sowth eest) noun 1. the point or direction midway between south and east. 2. a region in this direction. –adjective 3. lying towards or situated in the south east. 4. directed or proceeding towards the south east. 5. coming from …
south-east — noun (usu. the south east) 1》 the direction towards the point of the horizon midway between south and east. 2》 the south eastern part of a country, region, or town. adjective 1》 lying towards, near, or facing the south east. 2》 (of a wind)… … English new terms dictionary
South-East — the south eastern region of England that includes London and the Home Counties. More people live there than in any other part of Britain. Many rich people live there, and most businesses and industries have their main offices in the South East:… … Universalium