- adventurer
- [ədʹventʃ(ə)rə] n
1. 1) авантюрист2) беспринципный делец; аферист; проходимец2. искатель приключений3. солдат-наёмник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
adventurer — ► NOUN (fem. adventuress) 1) a person willing to take risks or use dishonest methods for personal gain: a political adventurer. 2) a person who enjoys or seeks adventure … English terms dictionary
Adventurer — Ad*ven tur*er, n. [Cf. F. aventurier.] [1913 Webster] 1. One who adventures; as, the merchant adventurers; one who seeks his fortune in new and hazardous or perilous enterprises. [1913 Webster] 2. A social pretender on the lookout for advancement … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adventurer — index pioneer, speculator Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
adventurer — (n.) late 15c., one who plays at games of chance, agent noun from ADVENTURE (Cf. adventure). Meaning one who seeks adventures is from 1660s … Etymology dictionary
adventurer — [n] person who takes risks charlatan, daredevil, entrepreneur, explorer, fortunehunter, gambler, globetrotter, hero, heroine, madcap, mercenary, opportunist, pioneer, pirate, romantic, speculator, stunt person, swashbuckler, traveler, venturer,… … New thesaurus
adventurer — [ad ven′chər ər, ədven′chər ər] n. 1. a person who has or likes to have adventures 2. SOLDIER OF FORTUNE (sense 1) 3. a financial speculator 4. a person who seeks to become rich, powerful, etc. by dubious schemes … English World dictionary
Adventurer — An adventurer or adventuress is a term that usually takes one of three meanings: *One whose travels are unusual and often exotic, though not so unique as to qualify as exploration. *One who lives by their wits. *One who takes part in a risky or… … Wikipedia
Adventurer — Главное меню Adventurer #12 Adventurer (англ. искатель приключений, авантюрист) электронный компьютерный журнал из Рыбинска. Выпускается с 1995 года с нерегулярной периодичностью. Предназначен для компьютера ZX Spectrum с дисковой операционной… … Википедия
Adventurer — The Adventurer war eine in London erschienene literarische Zeitschrift. Sie umfasste insgesamt 140 Ausgaben vom 7. November 1752 bis 9. März 1754. Den weitaus größten Teil der Beiträge lieferte der Schriftsteller John Hawkesworth (ca. 1715 1773) … Deutsch Wikipedia
adventurer — n. a bold, dauntless, intrepid adventurer * * * [əd ventʃ(ə)rə] dauntless intrepid adventurer a bold … Combinatory dictionary
adventurer — [[t]ædve̱ntʃərə(r)[/t]] adventurers 1) N COUNT An adventurer is a person who enjoys going to new, unusual, and exciting places. 2) N COUNT (disapproval) If you describe someone as an adventurer, you disapprove of them because they are using… … English dictionary