- bullroarer
- [ʹbʋl͵rɔ:rə] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bullroarer — may refer to the following:*Bullroarer (music), a ritual sound instrument * Bullroarer (song), a song on Midnight Oil s Diesel and Dust CD *Bandobras Took, called Bullroarer , a hobbit from J. R. R. Tolkien s writings … Wikipedia
Bullroarer — Das Schwirrgerät (auch Bora Bora oder Bullroarer genannt) ist eines der ältesten Musikinstrumente der Welt. Es ist ein flaches, meist ovales Stück Holz oder Knochen von 15 bis 50 cm Länge, mit abgerundeten Kanten, an dem eine etwa 1 bis 2,5 Meter … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bullroarer — Title of Bandobras Took. The title given to Bandobras Took, the nearest thing in Hobbit history to a great warrior. Tall enough to ride a horse, the Bullroarer was most famous for his rout of the goblins at the Battle of Greenfields … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
Bullroarer (music) — The bullroarer, [Haddon, The Study of Man , p. 219: Prof. E. B. Tylor informs me that the name of bull roarer was first introduced into anthropological literature by the Rev. Lorimer Fison, who compares the Australian tundun to the wooden toy… … Wikipedia
bullroarer — bull·roar·er (bo͝olʹrôrʹər, rōrʹ ) n. A small wooden slat attached to a string that makes a roaring noise when whirled. * * * … Universalium
bullroarer — noun An ancient ritual musical instrument and means of communicating over extended distances, dating back to the Paleolithic period … Wiktionary
bullroarer — /ˈbʊlrɔrə / (say boolrawruh) noun a long, thin, narrow piece of wood attached to a string, by which it is whirled in the air, making a roaring sound; traditionally used for religious rites by some societies, such as those of the Australian… …
bullroarer — n. wooden instrument making a roaring sound, used by Australian and other aborigines, generally to cause rain; whizzingstick; lightning stick … Dictionary of difficult words
Bandobras 'Bullroarer' Took — / Bandobras Victor of the Battle of Greenfields. The son of either Thain Isengrim II or Isumbras III (sources differ) of the Took line, Bandobras was famous for averting a goblin invasion of the Shire at the Battle of Greenfields, and… … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
Schwirrgerät — Abbildungen von Bullroarern aus Afrika Das Schwirrgerät, auch Schwirrholz, englisch Bullroarer, ist eines der ältesten Musikinstrumente bzw. Übertragungsinstrumente für Töne. Es gehört zu den Wirbelaerophonen. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Last Continent — infobox Discworld|id=22nd novel ndash; 6th Rincewind story characters=Rincewind Unseen University Staff locations=FourEcks Unseen University motifs=Australia, Evolution year=1998 publisher=Doubleday, London ISBNH=ISBN 0 385 40989 3 ISBNP=ISBN 0… … Wikipedia