
[ʹsmu:ðıŋ͵traʋ(ə)l] n стр.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "smoothing-trowel" в других словарях:

  • trowel — [trou′əl] n. [ME truel < MFr truelle < LL truella for L trulla, small ladle, scoop, trowel < trua, stirring spoon, ladle, prob. < IE base * twer , to stir > TURBID] any of several small hand tools for spreading, smoothing, scooping …   English World dictionary

  • Trowel — Trow el, n. [OE. truel, OF. truele, F. truelle, LL. truella, L. trulla, dim. of trua a ladle; probably akin to Gr. ? a stirrer, ladle, G. quirl a stirrer, MHG. twirel, OHG. dwiril, Icel. [thorn]vara, AS. [thorn]wiril. Cf. {Twirl}.] 1. A mason s… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trowel bayonet — Trowel Trow el, n. [OE. truel, OF. truele, F. truelle, LL. truella, L. trulla, dim. of trua a ladle; probably akin to Gr. ? a stirrer, ladle, G. quirl a stirrer, MHG. twirel, OHG. dwiril, Icel. [thorn]vara, AS. [thorn]wiril. Cf. {Twirl}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trowel — A trowel is one of several similar hand tools used for digging, smoothing, or otherwise moving around small amounts of viscous or particulate material.Hand toolsIn gardening, a trowel is a tool with a pointed, scoop shaped metal blade and a… …   Wikipedia

  • trowel — /ˈtraʊəl / (say trowuhl) noun 1. any of various tools consisting of a plate of metal or other material, usually flat, fitted into a short handle, used for spreading, shaping, or smoothing plaster or the like. 2. a similar tool with a curved,… …  

  • Fish trowel — Trowel Trow el, n. [OE. truel, OF. truele, F. truelle, LL. truella, L. trulla, dim. of trua a ladle; probably akin to Gr. ? a stirrer, ladle, G. quirl a stirrer, MHG. twirel, OHG. dwiril, Icel. [thorn]vara, AS. [thorn]wiril. Cf. {Twirl}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Masonry trowel — Masons trowel The Masonry trowel is a hand trowel used in brickwork or stonework for leveling, spreading and shaping mortar or concrete. They come in several shapes and sizes depending on the task. The following is a list of the more common… …   Wikipedia

  • fish trowel — 1) a fish slice or fish carver having a trowel shape 2) a gardener s tool shaped like a scoop 3) a tool used for smoothing a mold …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • fish-trowel — 1) a fish slice or fish carver having a trowel shape 2) a gardener s tool shaped like a scoop 3) a tool used for smoothing a mold …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Plasterwork — refers to construction or ornamentation done with plaster, such as a layer of plaster on an interior wall or plaster decorative moldings on ceilings or walls. This is also sometimes called pargeting. The process of creating plasterwork, called… …   Wikipedia

  • slick — slick1 slickly, adv. slickness, n. /slik/, adj., slicker, slickest, n., adv. adj. 1. smooth and glossy; sleek. 2. smooth in manners, speech, etc.; suave. 3. sly; shrew …   Universalium

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