- smooth-coated
- [͵smu:ðʹkəʋtıd] a
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
smooth-coated — smoothˈ coated adjective Not shaggy haired • • • Main Entry: ↑smooth … Useful english dictionary
Smooth-coated Otter — Taxobox name = Smooth coated Otter status=VU status system = iucn3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Carnivora familia = Mustelidae subfamilia = Lutrinae genus = Lutrogale species = L. perspicillata binomial =… … Wikipedia
smooth-coated Indian otter — švelniaplaukė ūdra statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Lutra perspicillata angl. smooth Indian otter; smooth coated Indian otter vok. indischer Fischotter rus. гладкошёрстная выдра; индийская выдра pranc … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
smooth Indian otter — švelniaplaukė ūdra statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Lutra perspicillata angl. smooth Indian otter; smooth coated Indian otter vok. indischer Fischotter rus. гладкошёрстная выдра; индийская выдра pranc … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
Smooth Collie — Tricolour Collie with training dumbbell. Other names Collie (Smooth Coat) Country of origin Scotland Traits … Wikipedia
coated — adjective 1. having a coating; covered with an outer layer or film; often used in combination (Freq. 1) coated paper has a smooth polished coating especially suitable for halftone printing sugar coated pills • Ant: ↑uncoated • Similar to: ↑backed … Useful english dictionary
coated — /koh tid/, adj. 1. having a coat. 2. (of paper) having a highly polished coating applied to provide a smooth surface for printing. 3. (of a fabric) having a coating, as of plastic, paint, or pyroxylin, to make it impervious to moisture. [1555 65; … Universalium
coated paper — A paper surface with white clay or an acrylic substance to provide a smooth printing or drawing surface. This surface is usually glossy, but can also be mat. Also see lustrous … Glossary of Art Terms
coated — /ˈkoʊtəd/ (say kohtuhd) adjective 1. (of paper) having a highly polished coating applied to provide a smooth surface for printing. 2. (of a fabric) having a plastic, paint, or pyroxylin coating, making it impervious to moisture. 3. having a coat …
coated abrasive — Sandpaper or grinding wheel where an abrasive material such as sand or diamond grit is glued to a backing material and used to reduce or smooth a surface … Dictionary of automotive terms
Flat-Coated Retriever — Infobox Dogbreed akcgroup = Sporting akcstd = http://www.akc.org/breeds/flat coated retriever/index.cfm ankcgroup = Group 3 (Gundogs) ankcstd = http://www.ankc.aust.com/flatcoat.html ckcgroup = Group 1 Sporting Dogs ckcstd =… … Wikipedia