
[ʹbʋlıʃ] a
1. бычий, бычачий
2. бирж. проф. играющий на повышение
3. уверенный, оптимистичный

I'm bullish about next year's business prospects - я с оптимизмом смотрю на то, как будут развиваться дела в будущем году

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "bullish" в других словарях:

  • Bullish — Bull ish, a. Partaking of the nature of a bull, or a blunder. [1913 Webster] Let me inform you, a toothless satire is as improper as a toothed sleek stone, and as bullish. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bullish — 1560s, from BULL (Cf. bull) (1) + ISH (Cf. ish); stock market sense is from 1882 …   Etymology dictionary

  • bullish — ► ADJECTIVE 1) aggressively confident and self assertive. 2) Stock Exchange characterized or influenced by rising share prices. DERIVATIVES bullishly adverb bullishness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • bullish — [bool′ish] adj. 1. of or like a bull 2. a) rising, or causing, expecting, etc. a rise, as in prices on the stock exchange b) optimistic bullishly adv. bullishness n …   English World dictionary

  • bullish — A tendency for prices to move up. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary Word used to describe an investor s attitude. Bullish refers to an optimistic outlook, while bearish means a pessimistic outlook. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * bullish… …   Financial and business terms

  • bullish — adjective Date: 1566 1. suggestive of a bull (as in brawniness) 2. a. marked by, tending to cause, or hopeful of rising prices (as in a stock market) < a bullish market > < bullish policies > < bullish investors > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bullish — [[t]b ʊlɪʃ[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED On the stock market, if there is a bullish mood, prices are expected to rise. Compare bearish. The market opened in a bullish mood. 2) ADJ GRADED: oft ADJ about/on n If someone is bullish about something, they are… …   English dictionary

  • bullish — UK [ˈbʊlɪʃ] / US adjective 1) expecting a successful future The team was in a bullish mood before the start of the game. 2) business a bullish market is one in which the prices of shares are rising See: bearish 3) a) business expecting the prices …   English dictionary

  • Bullish — Das Börsensentiment (franz. Sentiment für: Empfindung, Gefühl) ist das deutsche Kunstwort für die Stimmungen (bullish, bearish, euphorisch, panisch) an den Investitions und Spekulationsmärkten der Börse. Stimmungsindikatoren sind der Maßstab für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bullish — bul|lish [ˈbulıʃ] adj 1.) [not before noun] feeling confident about the future ▪ He s very bullish about the company s prospects. 2.) technical in a business market that is bullish, the prices of ↑shares are rising or seem likely to rise… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bullish — adjective 1 (not before noun) feeling confident about the future: very bullish about the company s prospects 2 technical in a business market that is bullish the prices of shares (share2 (6)) tend or seem likely to rise bullishly adverb… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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