
[ʹsmɔ:lfraı] a разг.
1. мелкий, ничтожный

small-fry politician - мелкий политикан

2. детский, ребячий

small-fry sports - спорт для маленьких

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "small-fry" в других словарях:

  • small fry — {n.} 1. Young children. * /In the park, a sandbox is provided for the small fry./ 2. Something or someone of little importance. * /Large dairies ignore the competition from the small fry who make only a few hundred pounds of cheese a year./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • small fry — {n.} 1. Young children. * /In the park, a sandbox is provided for the small fry./ 2. Something or someone of little importance. * /Large dairies ignore the competition from the small fry who make only a few hundred pounds of cheese a year./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • small fry — small fry, adj. 1. children: a treat for the small fry. 2. unimportant persons or objects: Her parties were closed to the small fry. 3. small or young fish. [1895 1900] * * * …   Universalium

  • small fry — small′ fry n. pl. 1) very young children 2) unimportant persons or things 3) small or young fish • Etymology: 1895–1900 small′ fry , adj …   From formal English to slang

  • small fry — n [U] people or things that are not important when compared to other people or things ▪ There s no point in arresting the small fry …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • small fry — If someone is small fry, they are unimportant. The term is often used when the police arrest the less important criminals, but are unable to catch the leaders and masterminds …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • small fry — ► PLURAL NOUN 1) young or small fish. 2) young or insignificant people or things …   English terms dictionary

  • small fry — small ,fry noun plural INFORMAL 1. ) AMERICAN very young children 2. ) people or things that are not important …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • small fry — pl.n., n. ☆ 1. children ☆ 2. people or things regarded as insignificant Sometimes used in sing …   English World dictionary

  • small fry — noun 1. a young person of either sex she writes books for children they re just kids tiddler is a British term for youngster • Syn: ↑child, ↑kid, ↑youngster, ↑minor, ↑s …   Useful english dictionary

  • small fry — N UNCOUNT: also N in pl (small fry is both the singular and the plural form.) Small fry is used to refer to someone or something that is considered to be unimportant. They owed ₤92,897 to the Inland Revenue. But that is small fry compared to the… …   English dictionary

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