- ski-stick
- [ʹski:͵stık] n
лыжная палка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ski stick — noun : ski pole * * * ski stick or ski pole noun One of a pair of sticks, usu pointed with a disc near the tip, used by skiers for balance or propulsion • • • Main Entry: ↑ski * * * ˈski pole 7 [ski pole … Useful english dictionary
ski stick — slidinėjimo lazda statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Lazda, kuria slidininkas pasistumia, pasiremia arba laiko pusiausvyrą slysdamas. Slidinėjimo lazda sudaryta iš plastikinio (metalinio, medinio) strypo (ilgis iki 160 cm) su… … Sporto terminų žodynas
ski stick — /ˈski stɪk/ (say skee stik) noun British → ski pole (def. 1) …
ski-stick injury — a penetrating injury by a ski stick … Medical dictionary
ski-stick injury — a penetrating injury by a ski stick … The new mediacal dictionary
ski pole — noun a pole with metal points used as an aid in skiing • Hypernyms: ↑pole * * * noun : a metal pointed pole or stick, made of steel or cane, fitted with a handstrap at the top and an encircling disk set a little above the point to keep it from… … Useful english dictionary
ski — (n.) 1885 (there is an isolated instance from 1755), from Norw. ski, related to O.N. skið snowshoe, lit. stick of wood, cognate with O.E. scid stick of wood, obsolete English shide; O.H.G. skit, Ger. Scheit log, from P.Gmc. *skid to divide, split … Etymology dictionary
Ski touring — up a mountain slope. Ski touring is a form of backcountry skiing (or off piste skiing) involving traveling over the winter landscape on skis under human power rather than through the assistance of ski lifts or snow vehicles. It can take place in… … Wikipedia
Ski pole — Ski poles (sometimes called stocks ) are used by skiers to improve balance, speed and acceleration. They probably evolved from walking sticks carried while travelingFact|date=March 2007, and possibly from spears as wellFact|date=March 2007. In… … Wikipedia
ski pole — ski′ pole n. spo a slender pole or stick used by skiers for balance and propulsion, with a metal point below a ring at the lower end and a loop for the hand at the upper • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang
Ski binding — Alpine touring ski boot, binding, and ski crampon A ski binding is an attachment which anchors a ski boot to the ski. There are different types of bindings for different types of skiing. Contents … Wikipedia