- bulgarian
- 1. [bʌlʹge(ə)rıən] n
1. болгарин; болгарка
the Bulgarians - собир. болгары
2. болгарский язык2. [bʌlʹge(ə)rıən] aболгарский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the Bulgarians - собир. болгары
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bulgarian — refers to anything of or relating to Bulgaria and may refer directly to the following articles:* Bulgaria * Bulgarian language, a Slavic language * Bulgar language, a Turkic language * Bulgarians, an ethnic group * Bulgarian name, names of… … Wikipedia
Bulgarian — ► NOUN 1) a person from Bulgaria. 2) the Slavic language spoken in Bulgaria. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to Bulgaria … English terms dictionary
Bulgarian — [bəl ger′ē ən, bool ger′ē ən] adj. of Bulgaria or its people, language, or culture n. 1. a person born or living in Bulgaria 2. the South Slavic language spoken in Bulgaria … English World dictionary
Bulgarian — [[t]bʌlge͟əriən[/t]] ♦♦♦ Bulgarians 1) ADJ Bulgarian means belonging or relating to Bulgaria, or to its people, language, or culture. 2) N COUNT A Bulgarian is a Bulgarian citizen, or a person of Bulgarian origin. 3) N UNCOUNT Bulgarian is the… … English dictionary
Bulgarian — Bul·gar·i·an || bÊŒl geÉ™rɪən n. one of Bulgarian origin, resident of Bulgaria adj. of or pertaining to Bulgaria, of Bulgarian origin n. official language of Bulgaria … English contemporary dictionary
Bulgarian — noun Date: 1555 1. a native or inhabitant of Bulgaria 2. the Slavic language of the Bulgarians • Bulgarian adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bulgarian — 1. adjective Relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language. 2. noun a) native from Bulgaria. b) The official language of Bulgaria … Wiktionary
Bulgarian — n. & adj. n. 1 a a native or national of Bulgaria. b a person of Bulgarian descent. 2 the language of Bulgaria. adj. of or relating to Bulgaria or its people or language. Etymology: med.L Bulgaria f. Bulgarus: see BULGAR … Useful english dictionary
Bulgarian Orthodox Church — Българска православна църква Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Sofia Founder Apostle Andrew, Boris I of Bulgaria Independence … Wikipedia
Bulgarian dialects — ( bg. български диалекти, balgarski dialekti , also български говори, balgarski govori or български наречия, balgarski narechiya ) are the regional spoken varieties of the Bulgarian language, a South Slavic language. Bulgarian dialectology dates… … Wikipedia
Bulgarian–Ottoman Wars — Bulgarian Ottoman Wars Clockwise from right: Emperor Ivan Alexander, the remains of the Shumen fortress, Sultan Bayazid I Date … Wikipedia