- bulbil
- [ʹbʌlbıl] n
1. бот. воздушная луковка, пазушная луковка, детка2. луковичка, зубок
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bulbil — BULBÍL, bulbili, s.m. Lăstar mic cu frunzişoare ca nişte solzi, care se formează pe tulpină sau lângă rădăcina unor plante. – Din fr. bulbille. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 bulbíl s. m., pl. bulbíli Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004 … Dicționar Român
Bulbil — Bulb il, n. [Dim. fr. bulb.] 1. (Bot.) A small or secondary bulb; hence, now almost exclusively: An a[ e]rial bulb or deciduous bud, produced in the leaf axils, as in the tiger lily, or relpacing the flowers, as in some onions, and capable, when… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bulbil — [bul′bil΄] n. [ModL bulbillus, dim. of L bulbus,BULB] a small bulb or fleshy bud on a flower stalk, as in some onions, or in the axil of a leaf, as in a tiger lily … English World dictionary
bulbil — /ˈbʌlbɪl/ (say bulbil) noun 1. a little bulb. 2. a small aerial bulb growing in the axils of leaves, as in the tiger lily, or replacing flower buds, as in the common onion. {New Latin bulbillus, diminutive of Latin bulbus bulb} …
bulbil lily — raudonoji lelija statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Lelijinių šeimos dekoratyvinis augalas (Lilium bulbiferum), paplitęs vidurio ir pietų Europoje. atitikmenys: lot. Lilium bulbiferum angl. bulbil lily; fire lily; orange lily; saffron lily vok … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
bulbil — noun Etymology: French bulbille, diminutive of bulbe bulb, from Latin bulbus Date: 1831 bulblet … New Collegiate Dictionary
bulbil — /bul bil/, n. 1. Bot. Also, bulbel /bul beuhl, bel/. bulblet. 2. Mycol. a rounded mass of fungus cells resembling a sclerotium but of simpler organization, most commonly produced by certain basidiomycetes. [1825 35; < NL bulbillus, equiv. to L… … Universalium
bulbil — noun A bulb shaped bud in the place of a flower or in a leaf axil … Wiktionary
bulbil — n. small bulb or bulb like structure in the place of a flower … English contemporary dictionary
bulbil — [ bʌlbɪl] noun Botany a small bulb like structure, especially in the axil of a leaf, which may fall to form a new plant. Origin C19: from mod. L. bulbillus, dimin. of bulbus onion, bulbous root … English new terms dictionary
bulbil — bul·bil … English syllables