- Shiraz
- [ʃıʹrɑ:z] n геогр.
г. Шираз
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
SHIRAZ — SHIRAZ, capital of the former province of Fars, . The existence of a Jewish community in Shiraz is attested by Persian and Arab geographers from the tenth century. The funeral of a great Sufi leader in Shiraz (981) was attended by Muslims,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Shiraz — (Dinner Plain,Австралия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 572 Big Muster Drive, 3898 Dinner Plain, Ав … Каталог отелей
Shiraz — wine made in the district of Shiraz, a city in Persia, 1630s. As the name for a red wine made from a type of grape grown in the Rhône valley of France, it is recorded from 1908, from Fr. syrah,the name apparently altered in English on mistaken… … Etymology dictionary
shiraz — [shi räz′] n. [prob. after SHIRAZ] SYRAH: name used mainly in Australia and sometimes in the U.S … English World dictionary
Shiraz — Shi*raz , n. A kind of Persian wine; so called from the place whence it is brought. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shiraz — (Shirāz) ► C. del SO de Irán, capital de la provincia de Fars, en los montes Zagros; 848 289 h. Famosas alfombras y tapices … Enciclopedia Universal
Shiraz — [shi räz′] city in SC Iran: pop. 965,000 … English World dictionary
Shiraz — Infobox Settlement official name = Shiraz other name = native name = شیراز Shīrāz nickname = Persian Cultural Capital City of roses City of gardens City of love City of knowledge(Dar ol Elm) City of flower and nightingale settlement type = motto … Wikipedia
Shiraz — Para la variedad vitivinícola, véase Syrah (uva). Shiraz شیراز Bandera … Wikipedia Español
Shiraz — /shi rddahz /, n. a city in SW Iran. 373,000. * * * Industrial and commercial city (pop., 1996: 1,053,025), south central Iran. It was important during the Seleucid (312–175 BC), Parthian (247 BC–AD 224), and Sāsānian (с AD 224–651) periods but… … Universalium
Shiraz — Das Wort Shiraz ist die englische Transkription einer Großstadt im Iran, siehe Schiraz die in Australien, Südafrika, Kanada und den USA gebräuchliche Bezeichnung für die andernorts als Syrah bekannte Rebsorte als Person: Shiraz Shariff (* 1954),… … Deutsch Wikipedia