build up

build up
[ʹbıldʹʌp] phr v
1. собирать, монтировать
2. наращивать, наплавлять
3. закладывать (кирпичом или породой)
4. застраивать; возводить здания

to build up an area - застроить район города и т. п.

our house and garden are very much built up - вокруг нашего сада и дома появилось много построек

5. (постепенно) создавать

to build up a reputation [business] - создавать репутацию [дело /предприятие/]

to build up an argument - выдвигать довод

to build up a work of art - создавать произведение искусства

to build up one's character - формировать характер

6. укреплять здоровье

a sea-voyage will build up his health - морское путешествие укрепит его здоровье

7. накапливать, сосредоточивать силы
8. расти, нарастать

the dash round for presents is now building up - начинается беготня за подарками

9. рекламировать, создавать рекламу; популяризировать

they built him up with a series of articles and broadcasts - они создали ему имя /популярность/, дав о нём ряд статей и радиопередач

10. 1) нагнетать напряжение, интерес (в пьесе и т. п.)
2) исполнять сцену со всё возрастающим пафосом

she has a talent for building up minor roles - она с блеском исполняет второстепенные роли

11. восхвалять
12. спорт. вырабатывать (стиль)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "build up" в других словарях:

  • Build — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Build es un motor de juego para videojuegos de disparos en primera persona creado por Ken Silverman para 3D Realms. Al igual que en Doom, el motor Build representa su mundo en una malla bidimensional, utilizando… …   Wikipedia Español

  • build — [bɪld] verb built PTandPP [bɪlt] [transitive] 1. MANUFACTURING to make or put together large things such as buildings, cars, ships, roads etc: • New offices are being built on the site. • No new ships are being built at the yard now …   Financial and business terms

  • build — vb Build, construct, erect, frame, raise, rear are comparable when they mean to form or fashion a structure or something comparable to a structure. Build strictly implies a fitting together of parts and materials to form something which may be… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • build — build; build·able; build·er; build·er up·per; build·ing; build·ing·less; un·build; re·build; up·build·er; …   English syllables

  • build-up — build ups also buildup, build up 1) N COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n A build up is a gradual increase in something. There has been a build up of troops on both sides of the border... The disease can also cause a build up of pressure in the inner ear …   English dictionary

  • build — [bild] vt. built or Archaic builded, building [ME bilden < OE byldan, to build < base of bold, a house, akin to ON bua: see BONDAGE] 1. a) to make by putting together materials, parts, etc.; construct; erect b) to order, plan, or direct the …   English World dictionary

  • build-up — n [C usually singular] 1.) an increase over a period of time build up of ▪ a heavy build up of traffic on the motorway 2.) a description of someone or something before an event in which you say they are very special or important ▪ The presenter… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Build — (b[i^]ld), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Built} (b[i^]lt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Building}. The regular imp. & p. p. {Builded} is antiquated.] [OE. bulden, bilden, AS. byldan to build, fr. bold house; cf. Icel. b[=o]l farm, abode, Dan. bol small farm, OSw. bol …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • build — [n] physical structure, form body, conformation, constitution, figure, frame, habit, habitus, physique, shape; concept 757 Ant. mind build [v1] construct structure assemble, bring about, carpenter, cast, compile, compose, contrive, engineer,… …   New thesaurus

  • Build — Build, n. Form or mode of construction; general figure; make; as, the build of a ship; a great build on a man. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • build — ► VERB (past and past part. built) 1) construct by putting parts or materials together. 2) (often build up) increase in size or intensity over time. 3) (build on) use as a basis for further progress or development. 4) (build in/into) incorporate …   English terms dictionary

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