- self-possessed
- [͵selfpəʹzest] a
выдержанный, хладнокровный
to remain entirely self-possessed - оставаться совершенно хладнокровным
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to remain entirely self-possessed - оставаться совершенно хладнокровным
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
self-possessed — self pos sessed adj calm, confident, and in control of your feelings, even in difficult or unexpected situations used to show approval ▪ She s a confident, self possessed public speaker. >self possession n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
self-possessed — self pos sessed adjective someone who is self possessed behaves in a calm and confident way in difficult situations ╾ ,self pos session noun uncount … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Self-possessed — Self pos*sessed , a. Composed or tranquil in mind, manner, etc.; undisturbed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
self-possessed — self′ possessed′ adj. showing control of one s feelings, behavior, etc.; composed; poised • Etymology: 1830–40 self′ possess′edly ,adv … From formal English to slang
self-possessed — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ calm, confident, and in control of one s feelings. DERIVATIVES self possession noun … English terms dictionary
self-possessed — ADJ GRADED Someone who is self possessed is calm and confident and in control of their emotions. She is clearly the most articulate and self possessed member of her family. Syn: self assured … English dictionary
self-possessed — adjective I m usually pretty self possessed during an interview Syn: assured, self assured, calm, cool, composed, at ease, unperturbed, unruffled, confident, self confident, poised, imperturbable; informal together, unfazed, nonplussed,… … Thesaurus of popular words
self-possessed — {adj.} Confident; sure of one self. * /Before he made his first million, he used to be shy, but afterwards he became very self possessed./ … Dictionary of American idioms
self-possessed — {adj.} Confident; sure of one self. * /Before he made his first million, he used to be shy, but afterwards he became very self possessed./ … Dictionary of American idioms
self-possessed — adj Confident; sure of one self. Before he made his first million, he used to be shy, but afterwards he became very self possessed … Словарь американских идиом
self-possessed — UK / US adjective someone who is self possessed behaves in a calm and confident way in difficult situations Derived word: self possession noun uncountable … English dictionary