self-destruct — /self di strukt /, v.i. 1. to destroy itself or oneself: The missile is built so that a malfunction will cause it to self destruct. 2. to cause itself or oneself to reach a state of collapse, dysfunction, confusion, or the like: The committee is… … Universalium
self-destruct — as a verb, in reference to things, to destroy itself automatically, from SELF (Cf. self) + DESTRUCT (Cf. destruct), apparently first attested in the U.S. TV series Mission Impossible (1966). Self destructive is recorded from 1650s, and self… … Etymology dictionary
self-destruct — ☆ self destruct [self′di strukt′ ] vi. 1. to destroy itself automatically [a missile designed to self destruct] 2. to greatly harm oneself or itself, specif. as the result of inherent or fundamental flaws … English World dictionary
self-destruct — self′ destruct′ v. i. 1) cvb to destroy itself or oneself 2) cvb causing something to self destruct • Etymology: 1965–70, amer … From formal English to slang
self-destruct — self destructs, self destructing, self destructed VERB If someone self destructs, they do something that seriously damages their chances of success. They re going to be famous, but unless something happens, they re going to self destruct... He… … English dictionary
self-destruct — self de|struct [ˌself dıˈstrʌkt] v if something such as a bomb self destructs, it destroys itself, usually by exploding >self destruct[i] adj … Dictionary of contemporary English
self-destruct — ► VERB ▪ explode or disintegrate automatically, having been preset to do so … English terms dictionary
Self-destruct — A self destruct is a mechanism which causes a device to destroy itself under a predefined set of circumstances. Self destruct mechanisms are sometimes found in high security data storage devices, where it is important for the data to be destroyed … Wikipedia
self-destruct — UK [ˌself dɪˈstrʌkt] / US verb [intransitive] Word forms self destruct : present tense I/you/we/they self destruct 1) if something self destructs, it destroys itself, especially by exploding 2) informal to do something to harm yourself or to make … English dictionary
self-destruct — verb (I) if something such as a bomb self destructs, it destroys itself, usually by exploding self destruct adjective: a self destruct mechanism … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
self-destruct — v. & adj. esp. US v.intr. (of a spacecraft, bomb, etc.) explode or disintegrate automatically, esp. when pre set to do so. attrib.adj. enabling a thing to self destruct (a self destruct device) … Useful english dictionary