- seamaiden
- [ʹsi:|meıd,-{ʹsi:}͵meıdn] n поэт.
1. фольк. русалка; сирена; наяда2. богиня моря; морская нимфа
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
The Boy Who Found Fear At Last — is a Turkish fairy tale collected by Ignaz Kunos in Türkische Volksmärchen . Andrew Lang included it in The Olive Fairy Book ynopsisA woman had an only son. During a storm, she told him to shut the door because she felt frightened. He asked her… … Wikipedia
The Sea-Maiden — is a Scottish fairy tale collected by John Francis Campbell in Popular Tales of the West Highlands , listing his informant as John Mackenzie, fisherman, near Inverary. Joseph Jacobs included it in Celtic Fairy Tales .ynopsisA mermaid offered a… … Wikipedia
mermaid — [14] A mermaid is literally a ‘seamaiden’. The word was coined on the basis of English mere [OE], which is now a little used term for ‘lake’, but originally denoted ‘sea’ (it came ultimately from Indo European *mori , *mari ‘sea’, which also… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
mermaid — [14] A mermaid is literally a ‘seamaiden’. The word was coined on the basis of English mere [OE], which is now a little used term for ‘lake’, but originally denoted ‘sea’ (it came ultimately from Indo European *mori , *mari ‘sea’, which also… … Word origins