- scrag-end
- [͵skrægʹend] n кул.
костистая часть бараньей шеи
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
scrag-end — scragˈ end noun The scrag of a neck • • • Main Entry: ↑scrag … Useful english dictionary
scrag end — noun the lean end of a neck of veal • Syn: ↑scrag • Derivationally related forms: ↑scrag (for: ↑scrag) • Hypernyms: ↑cut of veal • … Useful english dictionary
scrag end — noun see scrag I … New Collegiate Dictionary
scrag end — also scrag noun (U) BrE the bony part of a sheep s neck, that is sometimes boiled for soup … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
scrag end — /skræg ˈɛnd/ (say skrag end) noun 1. the inferior end of a cut of meat, especially the neck, which contains a lot of bone and very little meat; fag end. 2. Colloquial that part of the day towards late afternoon which is considered not very… …
scrag-end — noun Brit. the inferior end of a neck of mutton … English new terms dictionary
scrag — I. noun Etymology: perhaps alteration of 2crag Date: 1542 1. a rawboned or scrawny person or animal 2. a. the lean end of a neck of mutton or veal called also scrag end b. neck II. transitive verb ( … New Collegiate Dictionary
scrag — 1. noun a) A thin or scrawny person or animal. b) The lean end of a neck of mutton; the scrag end. 2. verb a) To harass, to … Wiktionary
scrag — n. & v. n. 1 (also scrag end) the inferior end of a neck of mutton. 2 a skinny person or animal. 3 colloq. a person s neck. v.tr. (scragged, scragging) sl. 1 strangle, hang. 2 seize roughly by the neck. 3 handle roughly; beat up. Etymology: perh … Useful english dictionary
scrag — [[t]skræg[/t]] n. v. scragged, scrag•ging 1) a lean or scrawny person or animal 2) the lean end of a neck of veal or mutton 3) sts Slang. the neck of a human being 4) sts Slang. to wring the neck of; hang; garrote • Etymology: 1535–45; obscurely… … From formal English to slang
scrag — /skræg / (say skrag) noun 1. a lean person or animal. 2. the lean end of a neck of mutton, etc. 3. Colloquial the neck of a human being. 4. Colloquial (derogatory) an unattractive woman of a slovenly or tartish appearance. –verb (t) (scragged,… …