
[ʹbʌdı] n амер. разг.
1. дружище, приятель
2. малыш (в обращении)
3. солдат-однополчанин

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "buddy" в других словарях:

  • Buddy — may refer to:* A friend * A partner for a particular activity * Buddy (dog), pet of former U.S. President Bill Clinton * Buddy memory allocation, a dynamic memory allocation system for computers. * Buddy system, any system in which two people… …   Wikipedia

  • Buddy — (englisch ‚Freund‘, ‚Kumpel‘) bezeichnet: Buddy (Musical), Musical über Buddy Holly Buddy (Musiker), Berliner Musiker Buddy Bär, internationales Kunstprojekt Buddy Film, Filmgenre mit zwei Hauptcharakteren Buddy Prinzip, ein System bei dem sich… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • buddy up — To make friends • • • Main Entry: ↑buddy * * * buddy up [phrasal verb] US informal : to become friendly especially in order to get help or some advantage often + with New students are encouraged to buddy up with older students. often + to …   Useful english dictionary

  • buddy — ☆ buddy [bud′ē ] n. pl. buddies [< ?] Informal 1. a close friend; companion; comrade; esp., a comrade in arms 2. either of two persons paired off in a partnership arrangement (buddy system) for mutual help and protection, as in combat or in… …   English World dictionary

  • buddy — 1850, Amer.Eng., possibly an alteration of brother, or from British colloquial butty companion (1802), itself perhaps a variant of booty in booty fellow confederate who shares plunder (1520s). But butty, meaning work mate, also was a localized… …   Etymology dictionary

  • buddy — [n] friend associate, chum, co mate, companion, comrade, confidant, co worker, crony, intimate, mate, pal, peer, sidekick; concept 423 Ant. enemy …   New thesaurus

  • buddy — ► NOUN (pl. buddies) informal, chiefly N. Amer. 1) a close friend. 2) a working companion with whom close cooperation is required. ORIGIN perhaps an alteration of BROTHER(Cf. ↑brotherly) …   English terms dictionary

  • BuddY E.V. — Das von der Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland ins Leben gerufene Buddy Projekt ist ein pädagogisches Programm zum Erwerb sozialer Handlungskompetenzen, das an Schulen (Klassen 5 bis 10) umgesetzt wird. Gemäß dem Motto „Aufeinander achten. Füreinander …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • buddy —    A common term of address used mainly by American speakers, though its use in Britain appears to be spreading. The word is thought to be a corrupt form of ‘brother’, and is similar in use to ‘friend’. It is often used positively, as in The… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • buddy n — Witness: Striker was the squadron leader. He brought us in real low, but he couldn t handle it. Prosecuting Attorney: Buddy couldn t handle it? Was Buddy one of your crew? W.: Right, Buddy was the bombardier, but it was Striker who couldn t… …   English expressions

  • buddy — I UK [ˈbʌdɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms buddy : singular buddy plural buddies 1) mainly American informal a friend 2) American spoken used for talking to a man whose name you do not know Hey, buddy, what are you doing? 3) someone who forms… …   English dictionary

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