- Scoto-
- [ʹskɒtə(ʋ)-]
в сложных словах имеет значение шотландский
Scoto-Irish - шотландско-ирландский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Scoto-Irish - шотландско-ирландский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
scoto — elem. obscuritate, întuneric . (< fr., engl. scoto , cf. gr. skotos) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Scoto — Scoto, John Duns … Enciclopedia Universal
scoto- — ❖ ♦ Élément de mots didactiques, du grec skotos « obscurité, ténèbres » … Encyclopédie Universelle
scoto — / skɔto/ (o scotto) agg. [dal lat. med. Scotus, adattam. del nome del popolo]. 1. (stor.) [appartenente all antico popolo irlandese che nel sec. 4° d. C. invase la Caledonia] ▶◀ ⇑ celtico. 2. (lett.) [abitante della Scozia o dell Irlanda: Lì si… … Enciclopedia Italiana
scoto- — combining form Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Late Latin Scotus Scottish 1. : Scotch Scoto Celtic 2. : Sco … Useful english dictionary
Scoto- — a combining form representing Scots or Scottish in compound words: Scoto Irish. [comb. form of ML Scotus SCOT] * * * … Universalium
Scoto-normand — Le terme scoto normand (également scotto normand, franco écossais ou franco gaélique) s’emploie pour décrire les personnes, les familles, les établissements et les artefacts archéologiques d’origine normande, anglo normande, française, voire… … Wikipédia en Français
Scoto-Hibernian Monasteries — • A convenient term under which to include the monastic institutions which were founded during the sixth century in the country now known as Scotland, though that name was not used in its present sense until four hundred years later Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia
Scoto-Norman clans — are Scottish clans that arose after the Norman Conquest. Over time, several lowland clans intermarried with Normans who moved north, introducing Teutonic (Germanic) Norman family traditions and social structures into the native Gaelic… … Wikipedia
Scoto-Norman — The term Scoto Norman (also Scotto Norman, Franco Scottish or Franco Gaelic) is used to described people, families, institutions and archaeological artifacts that are partly Scottish (in some sense) and partly Norman (in some sense). It is used… … Wikipedia
Scoto-Normand — Le terme scoto normand (également scotto normand, franco écossais ou franco gaélique) s’emploie pour décrire les personnes, les familles, les établissements et les artefacts archéologiques d’origine normande, anglo normande, française, voire… … Wikipédia en Français