- scotch-tape
- [ʹskɒtʃteıp] v
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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Scotch Tape — is used to describe certain pressure sensitive tapes manufactured by 3M as part of the company s Scotch brand.The precursor to the current tapes was developed in the 1930s in Minneapolis, Minnesota by Richard Drew to seal a then new transparent… … Wikipedia
Scotch tape — n [U] trademark AmE thin clear plastic tape that is sticky on one side, used for sticking light things such as paper together >scotch tape v [T] … Dictionary of contemporary English
Scotch tape — ☆ Scotch tape n. [< Scotch, a trademark] a thin, transparent cellulose adhesive tape … English World dictionary
Scotch tape® — /skoch tāp/ (esp N American) noun A transparent tape, adhering to paper, etc when pressure is applied … Useful english dictionary
Scotch tape™ — UK US noun [U] US TRADEMARK ► a long thin strip of sticky transparent material sold in a roll and used for joining things such as paper or card … Financial and business terms
Scotch tape — AMERICAN TRADEMARK clear plastic material that is sticky on one side and is used for sticking things together … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Scotch tape — Scotch′ tape′ trm a brand name for various transparent or semitransparent adhesive tapes … From formal English to slang
scotch-tape — ˈ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ transitive verb : to fasten with or apply Scotch tape to cracked window had been neatly scotch taped Richard Wormser * * * /skoch tayp /, v.t., Scotch taped, Scotch taping. to fasten or mend with Scotch tape. [1950 55; after the… … Useful english dictionary
Scotch tape — noun transparent or semitransparent adhesive tape (trade names Scotch tape and Sellotape) used for sealing or attaching or mending • Syn: ↑cellulose tape, ↑Sellotape • Derivationally related forms: ↑scotch tape, ↑sellotape (for: ↑Sellotape) … Useful english dictionary
scotch tape — verb fasten or attach with sellotape The hotel manager scotch taped a note to the guest s door • Syn: ↑sellotape • Derivationally related forms: ↑Sellotape (for: ↑sellotape), ↑Scotch tape • Hypernyms … Useful english dictionary
Scotch-tape — /skoch tayp /, v.t., Scotch taped, Scotch taping. to fasten or mend with Scotch tape. [1950 55; after the trademark] * * * … Universalium