- scalping-knife
- [ʹskælpıŋ|naıf] n (pl -knives [-{ʹskælpıŋ}naıvz]) ист.
нож для снимания скальпов (у некоторых индейских племён)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Scalping knife — Scalping Scalp ing (sk[a^]lp [i^]ng), a. & n. from {Scalp}. [1913 Webster] {Scalping iron} (Surg.), an instrument used in scraping foul and carious bones; a raspatory. {Scalping knife}, a knife used by North American Indians in scalping. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scalping-knife — scalpˈing knife noun A knife for scalping enemies • • • Main Entry: ↑scalp … Useful english dictionary
Scalping — is the act of removing the scalp, usually with the hair, as a portable proof or trophy of prowess in war. Scalping is also associated with frontier warfare in North America, and was practiced by Native Americans and white colonists and… … Wikipedia
Scalping — Scalp ing (sk[a^]lp [i^]ng), a. & n. from {Scalp}. [1913 Webster] {Scalping iron} (Surg.), an instrument used in scraping foul and carious bones; a raspatory. {Scalping knife}, a knife used by North American Indians in scalping. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scalping iron — Scalping Scalp ing (sk[a^]lp [i^]ng), a. & n. from {Scalp}. [1913 Webster] {Scalping iron} (Surg.), an instrument used in scraping foul and carious bones; a raspatory. {Scalping knife}, a knife used by North American Indians in scalping. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Butcher knife — A butcher knife is a knife designed and used primarily for the butchering and/or dressing of animals.During the late 1700 s to mid 1840 s, the butcher knife was a key tool for mountain men. Simple, useful and cheap to produce, they were used for… … Wikipedia
Samuel Brady — Not to be confused with Sam Brady, a pseudonym used by UK television critic Steve Regan .. This jump is still remembered as Brady s leap . [Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission] The Brady and Quigley familiesSamuel Brady was born on May… … Wikipedia
Crawford-Feldzug — Teil von: Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg Route des Crawford Feldzugs … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gun (video game) — Gun Developer(s) Neversoft, Beenox (PC), Rebellion Developments (PSP) Publisher(s) Activision … Wikipedia
Lobotomy — A lobotomy (Greek: lobos: Lobe of brain, tomos: cut/slice ) is a form of psychosurgery, also known as a leukotomy or leucotomy (from Greek leukos: clear or white and tomos meaning cut/slice ). It consists of cutting the connections to and from… … Wikipedia
French and Iroquois Wars — The French and Iroquois Wars, also called the Iroquois Wars or the Beaver Wars, commonly refer to a brutal series of conflicts fought in the mid 17th century in eastern North America. The Iroquois sought to expand their territory and monopolize… … Wikipedia