
1. [bʌd] n
1. почка

bud burst /shooting/ - раскрывание почек

in the bud - несозревший

2. бутон

bud stage - стадия бутонизации

in bud - с бутонами, цветущий

the roses are in bud early this year - в этом году на розах рано появились бутоны

3. разг. девушка-подросток
4. ласк. крошка
5. разг.
1) дебютантка

bud of promise - амер. подающая надежды дебютантка

2) редк. дебютант

to nip /to crush/ in the bud - пресечь в корне, уничтожить в зародыше

2. [bʌd] v
1. 1) давать почки; пускать ростки
2) расцветать (тж. перен.)

he is a budding scientist /budding into a scientist/ - из него выйдет настоящий учёный

2. с.-х. прививать глазком

to bud off - отпочковывать

II [bʌd] сокр. от buddy

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "bud" в других словарях:

  • bud — bud; bud·da; bud·der; bud·dha; bud·dha·hood; bud·dhi; bud·dhism; bud·dho·log·i·cal; bud·dhol·o·gy; bud·dle·ia; bud·dler; bud·ger·ee; bud·ger·i·gar; bud·ger·ow; bud·get·ary; bud·ge·teer; bud·gie; bud·less; bud·let; bud·ling; bud·mash; dis·bud;… …   English syllables

  • Bud — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • bud — bud1 [bud] n. [ME budde, bud, seedpod < IE base * bheu : see BIG] 1. a) a small swelling or projection on a plant, from which a shoot, cluster of leaves, or flower develops b) a partly opened flower 2. any undeveloped or immature person or… …   English World dictionary

  • BUD — steht für: Budweiser (Anheuser Busch), Börsenkürzel einer US amerikanischen Brauerei Bergunfalldienst Black Urine Disease Flughafen Budapest im IATA Flughafencode Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Bud (Indiana) Bud (West Virginia) Bud (Wisconsin)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bud — (b[u^]d), n. [OE. budde; cf. D. bot, G. butze, butz, the core of a fruit, bud, LG. butte in hagebutte, hainbutte, a hip of the dog rose, or OF. boton, F. bouton, bud, button, OF. boter to bud, push; all akin to E. beat. See {Button}.] 1. (Bot.) A …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bud — Bud, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Budded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Budding}.] 1. To put forth or produce buds, as a plant; to grow, as a bud does, into a flower or shoot. [1913 Webster] 2. To begin to grow, or to issue from a stock in the manner of a bud, as a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bud.tv — is a marketing venture of the Anheuser Busch brewing company (the manufacturers of the Budweiser beer brand) in the form of an online entertainment network. The project, which was launched in February 2007 just after the American Super Bowl, was… …   Wikipedia

  • Bud — steht für: Budweiser/Anheuser Busch, Börsenkürzel einer US amerikanischen Brauerei Bergunfalldienst Black Urine Disease Flughafen Budapest im IATA Flughafencode Bud ist: ein englischer Vorname, siehe Bud (Vorname) die Kurzform von Budweiser, ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bud — Bud, v. t. To graft, as a plant with another or into another, by inserting a bud from the one into an opening in the bark of the other, in order to raise, upon the budded stock, fruit different from that which it would naturally bear. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bud — /bud/, n. a male given name. Also, Budd. * * * I Small lateral or terminal protuberance on the stem of a vascular plant that may develop into a flower, leaf, or shoot. Buds arise from meristem tissue. In temperate climates, trees form resting… …   Universalium

  • bud — bȕd (bȕdi) vezn. DEFINICIJA zast. arh. udvojeni ili u korelaciji s ili u zn. bilo...bilo, ili...ili [bud danas bud sutra] ETIMOLOGIJA ← imp. budi, v. biti …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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