- Sakha
- [sɑ:ʹhɑ:] n геогр.
Republic of Sakha - Республика Саха
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Republic of Sakha - Республика Саха
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sakha — Sakha may refer to peoples known as the Sakha (formerly Yakut) living in the Sakha region (Yakutia) in northeast Siberia; the Sakha language, which belongs to the Turkic family of languages; or the Sakha Republic, the largest independent… … Historical dictionary of shamanism
Sakha — may refer to: *Sakha Republic, a federal subject of Russia *Sakha language, or Yakut, a Turkic language *Sakha people, also Yakuts, a Turkic people *Xois, a town in Egypt also known as Sakha … Wikipedia
Sakha — or Yakut Siberian people who speak a Turkic language. Most were formerly seminomadic, raising cattle and horses. They lived in winter settlements of earth covered log huts and summer camps of conical birch bark tents near pasturage and sources of … Universalium
Sakha — République de Sakha (Iakoutie) (ru) Республика Саха (sah) Саха Республиката … Wikipédia en Français
Sakha — / YAKUTS Ethnic group. The Sakha, formerly known as the Yakuts, are the Turkic ethnic group who comprise the titular nation of the Sakha Republic (Yakutiya); they are the largest ethnic group among the indigenous peoples of the north.… … Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation
Sakha — Iakoutie ou Sakha rép. de la Féd. de Russie, en Sibérie orientale; 3 103 200 km2; 1 108 600 hab. (Iakoutes [360 000], Russes, Ukrainiens); cap. Iakoutsk (184 000 hab.) Cette région de forêts (70 % du territ.) et, au N., de toundra vit de l agric … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sakha — Sacha Flagge Wappen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sakha — noun a) A formerly seminomadic Siberian people who speak a Turkic language. b) A short name for Sakha Republic, also known as Yakutia. Syn: Yakut … Wiktionary
Sakha — Admin ASC 1 Code Orig. name Sakha Country and Admin Code RU.63 RU … World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II
sakha — adj. De la République de Sakha (Russie) … Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires
Sakha Republic — Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Республика Саха (Якутия) (Russian) Саха Республиката (Sakha) Republic … Wikipedia