- saggar
- [ʹsægə] n
1. капсула для обжига (керамических изделий)2. огнеупорная капсульная глина
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
saggar — Seggar Seg gar, n. [Prov. E. saggard a seggar, seggard a sort of riding surtout, contr. fr. safeguard.] A case or holder made of fire clay, in which fine pottery is inclosed while baking in the kin. [Written also {saggar}, {sagger}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
saggar — /ˈsægə/ (say saguh) noun 1. a box or case made of refractory baked clay in which the finer ceramic wares are enclosed and protected while baking. –verb (t) 2. to place in or upon a saggar. Also, saggard, sagger. {probably contraction of… …
Saggar fired pottery — Saggar firing is an alternative firing process for pottery. Saggars are boxlike containers made of high fire clay or specialized fireclay which are used to enclose pots needing special treatment in the kiln. The word saggar is thought to have… … Wikipedia
saggar maker's bottom knocker — noun A young boy employed to make the base of a saggar from a lump of fireclay, knocking it into a metal ring with a wooden mallet … Wiktionary
saggar maker — noun A skilled person who made saggars by hand, using the thumb to make a neat join between the side and the bottom. See Also: saggar makers bottom knocker … Wiktionary
saggar — noun see sagger … New Collegiate Dictionary
saggar — noun /ˈsæɡ.əɹ,ˈsæɡ.ə/ a) A ceramic container used inside a fuel fired kiln to protect pots from the flame. b) Fireclay used to make ceramic casings … Wiktionary
saggar — n. box made of heat resistant clay used to protect pottery and delicate ceramic pieces while they are baked in a kiln … English contemporary dictionary
saggar — [ sagə] (also sagger) noun a protective fireclay box enclosing ceramic ware while it is being fired. Origin C18: prob. a contr. of safeguard … English new terms dictionary
saggar — sag·gar … English syllables
saggar — n. clay box in which delicate ceramics are fired … Dictionary of difficult words