- buckjumper
- [ʹbʌk͵dʒʌmpə] австрал. см. bucker1 1
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
buckjumper — /buk jum peuhr/, n. a horse that bucks habitually, esp. such a horse kept for use in rodeos. [1840 50; BUCKJUMP + ER1] * * * … Universalium
buckjumper — noun One who takes part in buckjumping … Wiktionary
buckjumper — n. horse that bucks … English contemporary dictionary
buckjumper — /ˈbʌkdʒʌmpə/ (say bukjumpuh) noun 1. a horse that bucks; bucker. 2. a rider of such a horse. 3. a small damper or scone. 4. Obsolete Colloquial a tram with a single bogie which resulted in an up and down manner of progress …
buckjumper — “+ə(r) noun : a bucking horse * * * /buk jum peuhr/, n. a horse that bucks habitually, esp. such a horse kept for use in rodeos. [1840 50; BUCKJUMP + ER1] … Useful english dictionary
Leap — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Leap >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 leap leap jump hop spring bound vault saltation GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 dance dance caper Sgm: N 2 curvet curvet … English dictionary for students
flea — Synonyms and related words: broad jumper, bucking bronco, buckjumper, cat flea, chigoe, cockroach, crab, dog flea, frog, gazelle, goat, grasshopper, grayback, high jumper, hopper, hurdle racer, hurdler, jackrabbit, jigger, jumper, jumping bean,… … Moby Thesaurus
frog — Synonyms and related words: Aussie, Boche, Canuck, Chink, Guinea, Hunk, Hunkie, Jerry, Kraut, Krauthead, Mick, Mickey, Paddy, amphibian, batrachian, broad jumper, bucking bronco, buckjumper, bullfrog, croaker, dago, flea, gazelle, goat,… … Moby Thesaurus
gazelle — Synonyms and related words: Cape elk, Virginia deer, antelope, arrow, blue darter, blue streak, broad jumper, buck, bucking bronco, buckjumper, camel, camelopard, cannonball, caribou, courser, dart, deer, deerlet, doe, dromedary, eagle, eland,… … Moby Thesaurus
goat — Synonyms and related words: Priapus, aphrodisiomaniac, balker, balky horse, billy, billy goat, broad jumper, buck, bucking bronco, buckjumper, butt, byword, byword of reproach, crock, crowbait, derision, dirty old man, doe, doeling, dog, dupe,… … Moby Thesaurus
grasshopper — Synonyms and related words: broad jumper, bucking bronco, buckjumper, cicada, cicala, cricket, dog day cicada, feckless, flea, frog, gazelle, goat, happy go lucky, heedless, high jumper, hopper, hoppergrass, hurdle racer, hurdler, improvident,… … Moby Thesaurus