- buckingham palace
- [͵bʌkıŋəmʹpælıs]
Букингемский дворец (лондонская резиденция королей)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Buckingham Palace — is the official London residence of the British monarch. [Traditionally the British Royal Court is still resident at St. James s Palace. While foreign ambassadors assuming their new position are received by the British sovereign at Buckingham… … Wikipedia
Buckingham Palace — (2009) Der Buckingham Palace ist die offizielle Residenz des britischen Monarchen in London. Das Gebäude im Stadtbezirk City of Westminster dient neben seiner Funktion als Wohnung von Königin Elisabeth II. und Prinz Philip auch offiziellen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Buckingham Palace — palais londonien, construit en 1705 pour le duc de Buckingham (plusieurs fois remanié au XIXe s.); résidence actuelle de la famille royale britannique … Encyclopédie Universelle
Buckingham Palace — n. the official residence in London of British sovereigns … English World dictionary
Buckingham Palace — Palais de Buckingham Buckingham Palace et le Victoria Memorial. Présentation Nom local Buckingham Palace P … Wikipédia en Français
Buckingham Palace — 1. a residence of the British sovereigns since 1837, in London, England: built 1703. 2. the reigning British monarch or the royal family: Buckingham Palace has denied the rumor. * * * London residence of the British sovereign. It takes its name… … Universalium
Buckingham Palace — Buck|ing|ham Pal|ace [ ,bʌkıŋəm pæləs, ,bʌkıŋhæm pæləs ] the official home in London of the British king or queen. Buckingham Palace is also used for referring to the institution of the British MONARCHY and the people who work for it: Buckingham… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Buckingham Palace — UK [ˌbʌkɪŋəm ˈpælɪs] / US [ˌbʌkɪŋəm ˈpæləs] / US [ˌbʌkɪŋhæm ˈpæləs] the official home in London of the British king or queen. Buckingham Palace is also used for referring to the institution of the British monarchy and the people who work for it… … English dictionary
Buckingham Palace — Buck|ing|ham Pa|lace also the Palace the official home of the British royal family in London. The name of the Palace is sometimes used to mean the officials who are in charge of organizing the Queen s public life ▪ Buckingham Palace announced… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Buckingham Palace Garden — or, to give it its full title, The Garden at Buckingham Palace , is the garden situated at the rear of Buckingham Palace. It covers much of the area of the former Goring Great Garden , named after Lord Goring, occupant of one of the earliest… … Wikipedia
Buckingham Palace Group Of House Boats — (Сринагар,Индия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Boulevard Road, Gha … Каталог отелей