- buckeye state
- [ʹbʌkaı͵steıt] амер.
«Каштановый штат» (шутливое название штата Огайо)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Buckeye State — Buckeye Buck eye (b[u^]k [imac] ), n. 1. (Bot.) A name given to several American trees and shrubs of the same genus ({[AE]sculus}) as the horse chestnut. [1913 Webster] {The Ohio buckeye}, or {Fetid buckeye}, is {Aesculus glabra}. {Red buckeye}… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Buckeye State — noun a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region • Syn: ↑Ohio, ↑OH • Instance Hypernyms: ↑American state • Part Holonyms: ↑United States, ↑United States of America, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Buckeye State — Ohio (used as a nickname). * * * … Universalium
Buckeye State — Ohio … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Buckeye (race de poule) — Buckeye Coq buckeye … Wikipédia en Français
Buckeye — Buck eye (b[u^]k [imac] ), n. 1. (Bot.) A name given to several American trees and shrubs of the same genus ({[AE]sculus}) as the horse chestnut. [1913 Webster] {The Ohio buckeye}, or {Fetid buckeye}, is {Aesculus glabra}. {Red buckeye} is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
buckeye — ☆ buckeye [buk′ī΄ ] n. [ BUCK1 + EYE: from the appearance of the seed] 1. any of various trees (genus Aesculus) of the horse chestnut family with large capsules enclosing shiny brown seeds 2. the seed 3. [B ] Informal a person born or living in… … English World dictionary
The Buckeye State — «штат конского каштана». Штат Огайо находится в центре так называемой Buckeye Country «страны конского каштана». Это дерево символизирует штат Огайо, и жителей штата шутливо иронически называют Buckeyes … Словарь топонимов США
Buckeye (chicken) — Infobox Chickenbreed name = Buckeye image caption = A Buckeye rooster in British Columbia status = Critical country = United States apa = Recognized by the APA (yes, if no leave blank) apagroup = American maleweight = 9 lbs femaleweight = 6.5 lbs … Wikipedia
State nicknames and symbols — ▪ Table State nicknames and symbols state state tree state bird state flower state nickname(s) motto United States bald eagle* rose In God We Trust Alabama southern (longleaf) pine yellowhammer camellia Cotton State, Yellowhammer State, Heart of… … Universalium
state — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. condition, shape (inf.), kilter (inf.), category, estate, lot, makeup (inf.); case, mood, disposition, temper; pickle, contretemps, quandary, dilemma, plight; aspect, appearance; constitution,… … English dictionary for students