- Roxburghshire
- [ʹrɒksb(ə)rəʃıə] n геогр.
Роксброшир (графство Шотландии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Roxburghshire — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Situación geográfica de Roxburghshire en el mapa de Escocia. Roxburghshire o Condado de Roxburgh (Siorrachd Rosbroig en gaélico) es un condado tradicional de Escocia. Limita con Dumfries al oeste, Se … Wikipedia Español
Roxburghshire — (spr. róxböroschīr) Grafschaft im südöstlichen Schottland, grenzt im S. und O. an England, im N. an Berwickshire und Edinburgshire, im W. an Selkirkshire und Dumfriesshire, umfaßt die Landschaften Teviotdale und Liddesdale nebst einem Teil von… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Roxburghshire — ROXBURGHSHIRE, an inland county, in the south of Scotland, bounded on the north by Berwickshire, on the east by Berwickshire and the English county of Northumberland, on the south by Dumfries shire and the counties of Cumberland and… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
Roxburghshire — Teviotdale redirects here. For other uses, see Teviotdale (disambiguation). For the county in New South Wales, see Roxburgh County. Roxburgh County (until circa 1890) … Wikipedia
Roxburghshire — (Aussprache: [ˈrɒksbrəʃə]; Gälisch: Siorrachd Rosbroig) ist eine traditionelle Grafschaft in Schottland. Im Westen grenzt sie an Dumfriesshire, im Nordwesten an Selkirkshire und im Norden an Berwickshire. Im Südosten Roxburghshires liegen die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Roxburghshire — ▪ former county, Scotland, United Kingdom also called Roxburgh historic county, southeastern Scotland, along the English border. It covers an area stretching from the valleys of the Rivers Tweed and Teviot in the north to the Cheviot… … Universalium
Roxburghshire — 55°30′N 2°30′W / 55.5, 2.5 Roxburghshire (Siorrachd Rosbroig en gaélique écossais) était un comté d … Wikipédia en Français
Roxburghshire (UK Parliament constituency) — UK former constituency infobox Name = Roxburghshire Type = County Year = 1708 Abolition = 1918 members = OneRoxburghshire was a county constituency of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Great Britain (at Westminster) from 1708 to 1801, and … Wikipedia
Roxburghshire — geographical name see Roxburgh … New Collegiate Dictionary
ROXBURGHSHIRE — (54), in Border pastoral county of Scotland, between Berwick (NE.) and Dumfries (SW.); the Cheviots form its southern boundary; lies almost wholly within the basin of the Tweed, which winds along its northern border, receiving the Teviot, Jed … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
roxburghshire — rox·burgh·shire … English syllables