- round-the-clock
- [͵raʋndðəʹklɒk] a
to get round-the-clock protection - находиться под постоянной защитой
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to get round-the-clock protection - находиться под постоянной защитой
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
round-the-clock — adj [only before noun] happening all the time, both day and night ▪ round the clock medical care →round the clock at ↑clock1 (6) … Dictionary of contemporary English
round-the-clock — round′ the clock′ adj. around the clock … From formal English to slang
round-the-clock — [round′thə kläk′] adj., adv. throughout the day and night; without interruption … English World dictionary
Round the Clock — is an English internet radio service from China Radio International. The broadcast basically rotates between China Drive and the following weekly programs:* Monday: Front Line * Tuesday: Biz China * Wednesday: China Horizons * Thursday: Voices… … Wikipedia
round-the-clock — round the ,clock adjective happening or done all day and all night … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
round-the-clock — adjective at all times around the clock nursing care • Syn: ↑around the clock, ↑day and night, ↑nonstop • Similar to: ↑continuous, ↑uninterrupted * * * adjective … Useful english dictionary
round the clock — adverb without stopping she worked around the clock • Syn: ↑around the clock, ↑for 24 hours * * * 1 we re working round the clock: DAY AND NIGHT, night and day, all the time, morning … Useful english dictionary
round the clock — around/round the clock all day and all night. Doctors and nurses worked around the clock to help the people injured in the train crash. This station broadcasts news round the clock … New idioms dictionary
round-the-clock — adjective (only before noun) all the time, both day and night: He ll need round the clock hospital care. see also: round the clock clock 1 (6) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
round-the-clock — /ˈraʊnd ðə klɒk/ (say rownd dhuh klok) adjective continuous throughout the day and night: the police kept up a round the clock watch for the suspect. Also, (especially in predicative use), round the clock …
'round the clock — I. all hours, twenty four hours, around the clock We worked round the clock to harvest the crop before it snowed. II. See around the clock … English idioms