- rough-hewn
- [͵rʌfʹhju:n] a
1. грубо обтёсанный; высеченный2. грубый; неотёсанный, некультурный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
rough-hewn — adjective LITERARY 1. ) cut in a way that produces a rough shape or surface: rough hewn boards 2. ) not polite or well educated … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
rough-hewn — adj rough hewn wood or stone has been cut without much care and its surface is not yet smooth … Dictionary of contemporary English
rough-hewn — If something, especially something made from wood or stone, is rough hewn, it is unfinished or unpolished … The small dictionary of idiomes
rough-hewn — rough hewnˈ adjective 1. Shaped roughly 2. Uncouth, unrefined • • • Main Entry: ↑rough … Useful english dictionary
rough-hewn — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a person) uncultivated or uncouth … English terms dictionary
rough-hewn — adjective Date: 1530 1. being in a rough, unsmoothed, or unfinished state ; crudely formed < rough hewn beams > 2. lacking refinement < he was rather attractive, in a rough hewn kind of way Jan Speas > … New Collegiate Dictionary
rough-hewn — ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Rough hewn wood or stone has been cut into a shape but has not yet been smoothed or finished off. It is a rough hewn carving of a cat s head … English dictionary
rough-hewn — UK [ˌrʌf ˈhjuːn] / US [ˌrʌf ˈhjun] adjective literary 1) cut in a way that produces a rough shape or surface rough hewn boards 2) not polite or well educated … English dictionary
rough-hewn — If something, especially something made from wood or stone, is rough hewn, it is unfinished or unpolished. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
rough-hewn — adjective rough hewn wood or stone has been roughly cut and its surface is not yet smooth … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Rough-hewn — If something, especially something made from wood or stone, is rough hewn, it is unfinished or unpolished … Dictionary of English idioms