
[ʹrɒzəmənd] n
Розамунд; Розамунда (женское имя)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "Rosamund" в других словарях:

  • Rosamund — f English: from an old Germanic female personal name composed of the elements hros horse + mund protection. In the Middle Ages it was reanalysed as Latin rosa munda ‘pure rose’ or rosa mundi ‘rose of the world’, titles given to the Virgin Mary.… …   First names dictionary

  • Rosamund — The name Rosamund (also spelt Rosamond or Rosamunde) is a girls name of Germanic origin and can also be a family, or surname. Rosemonde is the French form of the name. Use of the name might refer to:*Rosamund Clifford medieval beauty and longtime …   Wikipedia

  • Rosamund Clifford — (before 1150 ndash; c. 1176), often called The Fair Rosamund or the Rose of the World , was famed for her beauty and was a mistress of King Henry II of England, famous in English folklore. Rosamund was the daughter of the marcher lord Walter de… …   Wikipedia

  • Rosamund Pike — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rosamund Pike Nombre real Rosamund Pike Nacimiento 27 de enero de 1979 30 años …   Wikipedia Español

  • Rosamund Pike — beim Toronto International Film Festival 2010 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rosamund Kwan — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rosamund Kwan Chi Lam (關之琳 |關家慧 |關芝琳 | cantonés: Gwaan Ji Lam | mandarín: Guān Zhī Lín) es una actriz china, nacida el 24 de septiembre de 1962 en Hong Kong. Biografía Rosamund era hija de dos populares actores… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Rosamund Marriott Watson — (1860 ndash; 1911) was a Victorian poet and critic who wrote under the pseudonym of Graham R. Tomson. Her poems, which presaged modernism, are informed by aestheticism and occasionally avant garde sensibilities. Watson s personal life was fraught …   Wikipedia

  • Rosamund Bond — was an Alsatian breeder from Arncliffe in Craven, Yorkshire, who was integral to the early efforts that created the UK charity, Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. She worked closely with Muriel Crooke and Dorothy Eustis and, thanks to their… …   Wikipedia

  • Rosamund Stanhope — (1919 2005) is a British poet and teacher known for her exuberant use of esoteric and unusual words. Born 4 March 1919 in Northampton, the daughter of a Latvian (German by adoption) leather merchant who changed his name after her birth from… …   Wikipedia

  • Rosamund Kwan — (chinois : 關之琳 ; son vrai nom est 關家慧) est une actrice chinoise. Née le 24 septembre 1962, elle commence sa carrière à la télévision à l âge de 17 ans. Elle a tourné de nombreux fims à Hong Kong. Filmographie 1982 : Head Hunter… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rosamund Clifford — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rosamunda Clifford (1150 1176 aprox.), a menudo llamada La bella Rosamunda o La Rosa del Mundo , fue famosa por su belleza y por ser amante del rey Enrique II de Inglaterra, desde que lo conoció en una campaña en… …   Wikipedia Español

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