
[ʹrestru(:)m] n
1. комната отдыха, помещение для отдыха
2. преим. амер. туалет, уборная (в общественных зданиях)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rest-room" в других словарях:

  • rest room — rest rooms also restroom N COUNT In a restaurant, theatre, or other public place, a rest room is a room with a toilet for customers to use. [AM] (in BRIT, usually use toilet) …   English dictionary

  • rest room — n AmE a room with a toilet in a place such as a restaurant or cinema British Equivalent: toilet …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rest room — rest′ room n. a room or rooms, esp. in a public building, having washbowls, toilets, and other facilities • Etymology: 1895–1900, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • rest room — noun Etymology: rest (I) : a room or suite of rooms in a public or semipublic building or a business establishment provided with lavatory, toilet, and other facilities for clients , visitors , or employees rest or comfort * * * rooms or a room… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rest room — {n.} A room or series of rooms in a public building which has things for personal comfort and grooming, such as toilets, washbowls, mirrors, and often chairs or couches. * /Sally went to the rest room to powder her nose./ Compare: POWDER ROOM …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rest room — {n.} A room or series of rooms in a public building which has things for personal comfort and grooming, such as toilets, washbowls, mirrors, and often chairs or couches. * /Sally went to the rest room to powder her nose./ Compare: POWDER ROOM …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rest\ room — noun A room or series of rooms in a public building which has things for personal comfort and grooming, such as toilets, washbowls, mirrors, and often chairs or couches. Sally went to the rest room to powder her nose. Compare: powder room …   Словарь американских идиом

  • rest room — /ˈrɛst rum/ (say rest roohm) noun 1. a room set aside for people to rest in, as in an office, factory, etc. 2. a lavatory, or similar room having washing facilities, etc. Also, restroom …  

  • rest room — Synonyms and related words: WC, backhouse, bagnio, balneae, balneum, basement, bath, bathhouse, bathroom, baths, caldarium, can, closet, comfort station, convenience, crapper, earth closet, head, john, johnny, johnny house, latrine, lavatory,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • rest room — rooms or a room having a washbowl, toilet, and other facilities for use by employees, visitors, etc., as in a store, theater, or office. Also, restroom. [1895 1900, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

  • rest room — noun (C) AmE a room with a toilet, in a place such as a restaurant or cinema …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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