Rent-A-Crowd — A group of people rented to make a business appear busy. Rent a crowds are sometimes employed on the grand openings of a new business to give the appearance that something is attracting people to the store, which then potentially attracts real… … Investment dictionary
rent-a-crowd — noun A group of people who are paid to attend an event to increase attendance figures, rather than attending of their own volition … Wiktionary
Rent-a-crowd — audience which is induced to attend a function for reasons other than their own entertainment; an audience procured directly by the organisers of an event … Dictionary of Australian slang
rent-a-crowd — Australian Slang audience which is induced to attend a function for reasons other than their own entertainment; an audience procured directly by the organisers of an event … English dialects glossary
rent-a- — or before a vowel rent an combining form (facetious) Denoting: (as if) rented or hired, organized for a specific occasion or purpose, instantly or artificially created, etc, as in rent a crowd, rent a mob or rent an army • • • Main Entry: ↑rent * … Useful english dictionary
rent-an- — rent a or before a vowel rent an combining form (facetious) Denoting: (as if) rented or hired, organized for a specific occasion or purpose, instantly or artificially created, etc, as in rent a crowd, rent a mob or rent an army • • • Main Entry:… … Useful english dictionary
rent — 1 /rent/ verb 1 (I, T) to regularly pay money to live in a house or room that belongs to someone else, or to use something that belongs to someone else: rent sth from sb: We rent our apartment from an old retired couple. | Nick s been renting for … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
rent — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a tenant s periodical payment to an owner or landlord for the use of land or premises. 2 payment for the use of a service, equipment, etc. v. 1 tr. (often foll. by from) take, occupy, or use at a rent (rented a cottage from the… … Useful english dictionary
Rent-An-Employee — A business strategy where a company will hire fake employees to make a business look busy. Rented employees are sometimes used when a big client is coming into the office and the company does not want to give the impression that the business is… … Investment dictionary
rent-a- — combining form often humorous denoting availability for hire of a specified thing: rent a crowd … English new terms dictionary
Rent (musical) — RENT redirects here. For other uses, see Rent (disambiguation). Goodbye Love redirects here. For the 1933 film, see Goodbye Love (film). Rent Original Broadway window card Music Jonathan Larson Lyrics Jonathan Larson … Wikipedia