
[rıʹmembrəns] n
1. память

within my remembrance - на моей памяти

in remembrance of smb. - в память о ком-л.

to the best of my remembrance - насколько я помню /припоминаю/

to call smth. to remembrance - припоминать что-л.

to have smth. in remembrance - помнить что-л., держать что-л. в памяти

to put in remembrance - напоминать

it has escaped my remembrance - это вылетело у меня из памяти

you put me in remembrance of your father - вы напоминаете мне своего отца

2. воспоминание

obscure remembrances - неясные воспоминания

3. сувенир, подарок на память

a small remembrance of my father - вещица, напоминающая о моём отце

4. pl привет (через кого-л.)

give my kind remembrances to him - передайте ему мой сердечный привет

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "remembrance" в других словарях:

  • Remembrance — Re*mem brance ( brans), n. [OF. remembrance.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of remembering; a holding in mind, or bringing to mind; recollection. [1913 Webster] Lest fierce remembrance wake my sudden rage. Milton. [1913 Webster] Lest the remembrance… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • remembrance — 1 *memory, recollection, reminiscence, mind, souvenir Antonyms: forgetfulness 2 Remembrance, remembrancer, reminder, memorial, memento, token, keepsake, souvenir denote something that serves to keep a person or thing in mind. Remembrance and the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Remembrance — is the act of remembering, the ability to remember or a memorial. It may refer to:*Remembrance Day, a commemorative day *Remembrance, a 2001 Canadian short film *Remembrance (USA band), a Christian metalcore band *Remembrance (band), a funeral… …   Wikipedia

  • Remembrance — Données clés Réalisation Colin Gregg Scénario Hugh Stoddart Acteurs principaux John Altman Al Ashton Gary Oldman Timothy Spall Pete Lee Wilson Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • remembrance — ⇒REMEMBRANCE, subst. fém. Vieilli, littér. Ce qui revient à l esprit, fortuitement ou volontairement, des expériences passées. Synon. souvenir2. Petit à petit, [il] en était arrivé tout bêtement à réfléchir (...) sur son passé. Quelles… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Remembrance — студийный альбом …   Википедия

  • remembrance — keepsake, souvenir, early 15c., from Fr. remembrance (11c.), from remembrer (see REMEMBER (Cf. remember)). Remembrance Day, the Sunday nearest Nov. 11 (originally in memory of the dead of World War I) is attested from 1921 …   Etymology dictionary

  • remembrance — [n1] memory, recollection afterthought, anamnesis, flash*, flashback*, hindsight*, mental image, mind, recall, recognition, reconstruction, regard, reminiscence, retrospect, thought; concepts 40,529 Ant. forgotten remembrance [n2] gift,… …   New thesaurus

  • remembrance — Remembrance. subst. f. v. du verbe Remembrer qui n a plus aucun usage. Souvenir. J en ay quelque remembrance. Il est vieux, & ne se dit plus qu en plaisantant …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • remembrance — [ri mem′brəns] n. [ME < OFr: see REMEMBER & ANCE] 1. a remembering or being remembered 2. the power to remember 3. something remembered; memory 4. the extent of time over which one can remember 5. an object th …   English World dictionary

  • remembrance — I (commemoration) noun acclaim, aggrandizement, celebration, ceremony, commendation, consecration, dignification, elevation, enshrinement, exaltation, glorification, holiday, homage, honoring, immortalization, keepsake, memento, memorial,… …   Law dictionary

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