- red-faced
- [͵redʹfeıst] a
1. краснолицый; румяный2. (with) покрасневший
red-faced with embarrassment [anger] - вспыхнувший от смущения [от гнева]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
red-faced with embarrassment [anger] - вспыхнувший от смущения [от гнева]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Red-faced — may refer to:* Red faced Cormorant, species of cormorant that is found in the far north of the Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea * Red faced Malkoha, member of the cuckoo order of birds * Red faced Spider Monkey, type of New World monkey found from… … Wikipedia
red´-faced´ly — red faced «REHD FAYST», adjective. 1. having a red face: »The stout, red faced Dutch plantation owner... (Wall Street Journal). 2. flushed as with embarrassment or anger: »[He] retorted with a blistering lecture about the ethics of business and… … Useful english dictionary
red-faced — adj embarrassed or ashamed ▪ Red faced officials ordered an investigation into the cause of the accident … Dictionary of contemporary English
red-faced — adjective with a red face, because of being embarrassed, angry, or hot … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
red-faced — adj. red faced with (red faced with shame) * * * [ˌred feɪst] red faced with (red faced with shame) … Combinatory dictionary
red-faced — ADJ GRADED A red faced person has a face that looks red, often because they are embarrassed or angry. A red faced Mr Jones was led away by police... Whenever he felt ill from any cause he became red faced … English dictionary
red-faced — adjective 1. (especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion (Freq. 2) crimson with fury turned red from exertion with puffy reddened eyes red faced and violent flushed (or crimson) with… … Useful english dictionary
red-faced — adjective a) with a red face; flushed, due to emotional or physical causes. A red faced John edged his way quietly out of the room. b) (by extension) embarrassed Coming home late and red faced every night from the pub is not what I expected of… … Wiktionary
red-faced — embarrassed, ashamed when something private is made public Judy was red faced after you kissed her in class. She was embarrassed … English idioms
red-faced — adjective embarrassed or ashamed: The election result left them rather red faced … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Red-faced Spinetail — Conservation status Least Concern … Wikipedia