- radio direction-finder
- [ʹreıdıəʋdıʹrekʃ(ə)n͵faındə]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Radio Direction Finder — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda RDF, es un acrónimo del inglés Radio Direction Finding , Búsqueda por RadioDirección , es la original denominación que la RAF y su Consejo Aeronáutico para la Investigación y Desarrollo establecieron para denominar… … Wikipedia Español
Radio direction finder — Civil Air Patrol members practice using a handheld radio direction finder to locate an emergency locator transmitter … Wikipedia
Radio direction finder — Ein Radiokompass, auch ADF (engl. automatic direction finder ), RDF (engl. radio direction finder), oder Funkkompass ist eine bordseitige Empfangsanlage zur Funknavigation mittels Funkpeilung zu einem NDB (dtsch. ungerichtetes Funkfeuer ) oder zu … Deutsch Wikipedia
radio direction finder — a navigational aid establishing a fix by means of the bearings of two known radio stations. Abbr.: RDF [1920 25] * * * ▪ instrument also called Radio Compass, radio receiver and directional antenna system used to determine the direction… … Universalium
radio direction finder — noun : direction finder * * * a navigational aid establishing a fix by means of the bearings of two known radio stations. Abbr.: RDF [1920 25] * * * radio direction finder, = radiocompass. (Cf. ↑radiocompass) … Useful english dictionary
radio direction finder — radiopelengatorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. radio direction finder vok. Funkpeiler, m; Funkpeilgerät, n rus. радиопеленгатор, m pranc. radiogoniomètre, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
radio direction-finder — /reɪdioʊ dəˈrɛkʃən faɪndə/ (say raydeeoh duh rekshuhn fuynduh) noun See direction finder …
direction finder — direction finding. Radio. a receiver with a loop antenna rotating on a vertical axis, used to ascertain the direction of incoming radio waves. [1910 15] * * * ▪ instrument or radio direction finder radio receiver and antenna system for… … Universalium
direction finder — Synonyms and related words: Bourdon tube, Gyropilot, Gyrosin compass, HFDF, Mach meter, RDF, absolute altimeter, accelerometer, aerial reconnaissance camera, aerometer, aeroscope, air log, altigraph, altimeter, ammeter, anemograph, anemometer,… … Moby Thesaurus
direction finder — n. a device for finding out the direction from which radio waves or signals are coming, as a loop antenna that can be rotated freely on a vertical axis … English World dictionary
Automatic Direction Finder — Ein Radiokompass, auch ADF (engl. automatic direction finder ), RDF (engl. radio direction finder), oder Funkkompass ist eine bordseitige Empfangsanlage zur Funknavigation mittels Funkpeilung zu einem NDB (dtsch. ungerichtetes Funkfeuer ) oder zu … Deutsch Wikipedia