- quintet(te)
- [kwınʹtet] n
1. муз.1) квинтет2) музыкальное произведение для пяти голосов или инструментов2. группа из пяти человек или предметов3. разг. мужская баскетбольная команда
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Quintet — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Quintet Company Limited Tipo Pública Fundación Abril de 1989 Sede Tokio, Japón Industria In … Wikipedia Español
Quintet — ist ein 1989 gegründetes japanisches Entwicklerstudio für Computerspiele. Quintet hat sich besonders in den 90er Jahren durch hochwertige Spiele für den Publisher Enix (heute Square Enix) hervorgetan. Die Website des Studios www.quintet.co.jp… … Deutsch Wikipedia
quintet — ● quintet nom masculin (américain quintet) Quintette de jazz. ● quintet (homonymes) nom masculin (américain quintet) quintette nom masculin … Encyclopédie Universelle
Quintet — Drame de Robert Altman, avec Paul Newman, Vittorio Gassman, Bibi Andersson, Brigitte Fossey. Pays: États Unis Date de sortie: 1979 Technique: couleurs Durée: 1 h 57 Résumé Dans un désert envahi par les glaces, Essex, chasseur de… … Dictionnaire mondial des Films
quintet — ► NOUN 1) a group of five people playing music or singing together. 2) a composition for a quintet. 3) a set of five. ORIGIN Italian quintetto, from quinto fifth … English terms dictionary
Quintet — Quin*tet , Quintette Quin*tette , n. [It. quintetto, dim. of quinto the fifth, a fifth part, from L. quintus the fifth: cf. F. quintette. See {Quint}.] (Mus.) A composition for five voices or instruments; also, the set of five persons who sing or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quintet — QUINTÉT s.n. v. cvintet. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
quintet — англ. [куи/нтэт] Quintett нем. [квинтэ/т] quintette фр. [кэнтэ/т] quintetto ит. [куинтэ/тто] квинтет … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
quintet — (n.) 1811, composition for five voices, from It. quintetto, dim. of quinto fifth, from L. quintus, related to quinque five (see QUINQUE (Cf. quinque )). Meaning set of five singers or players is from 1882 … Etymology dictionary
quintet — or quintette [kwin tet′] n. [< Fr or It: Fr quintette < It quintetto, dim. of quinto, a fifth < L quintus < base of quinque, FIVE] 1. any group or set of five persons or things 2. Music a) a composition for five voices or five… … English World dictionary
Quintet — otheruses1|a group of five membersA quintet is a group containing five members.It is commonly associated with musical groups, such as a string quintet, or a group of five singers, but can be applied to any situation where five similar or related… … Wikipedia