queue-jump — queueˈ jump intransitive verb and transitive verb • • • Main Entry: ↑queue * * * queue jump verb [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they queue jump he/she/it queue jumps … Useful english dictionary
queue´-jump´er — queue jump «KYOO JUHMP», intransitive verb. British. to go out of turn; go ahead of those who have been waiting: »To acknowledge that patients can queue jump on any grounds other than medical is to open an enormous moral fester (Linda Blandford) … Useful english dictionary
queue-jump — queue ,jump verb intransitive BRITISH to move to a position in a line that is ahead of other people who have been waiting longer than you ╾ queue ,jumping noun uncount … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
queue-jump — ► VERB Brit. ▪ move forward out of turn in a queue … English terms dictionary
Queue jump — A queue jump is a type of roadway geometry typically found in bus rapid transit systems. It consists of an additional travel lane on the approach to a signalised intersection. This lane is often restricted to transit vehicles only, though some… … Wikipedia
queue-jump — /ˈkju dʒʌmp/ (say kyooh jump) verb (i) to move ahead of others in a queue improperly and without waiting for one s turn. Also, queue jump. –queue jumping, noun …
queue-jump — British & Australian jump the queue to move in front of people who have been waiting longer for something than you. Sorry, I didn t mean to queue jump … New idioms dictionary
queue-jump — verb Brit. move forward out of turn in a queue. Derivatives queue jumper noun … English new terms dictionary
queue-jump — verb (I) BrE informal to go unfairly to the front of a queue, instead of waiting … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
queue-jump — See: queue jumping … English dictionary
Queue area — Queue areas are places in which people in line (first come, first served) wait for goods or services. Examples include the DMV, checking out groceries or other goods that have been collected in a self service shop, in a shop without self service … Wikipedia