- brunch
- 1. [brʌntʃ] n разг.
завтрак-обед, поздний завтрак[breakfast + lunch]2. [brʌntʃ] v разг.поздно завтракать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Brunch — or bruncheon is a combination of breakfast and lunch. [http://web.foodnetwork.com/food/web/encyclopedia/termdetail/0,7770,667,00.html foodnetwork] The term is a portmanteau of breakfast and lunch(eon). Brunch is often served after a morning event … Wikipedia
Brunch — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Brunch preparado para servirse El brunch consiste en una comida realizada por la mañana entre el desayuno y el almuerzo. Por su contenido se suele definir como una combinación entre desayuno (breakfast) y almuerzo… … Wikipedia Español
brunch — [ brɶnʃ ] n. m. • v. 1970; mot angl., de br(eakfast) « petit déjeuner » et (l)unch « déjeuner » ♦ Anglic. Repas pris dans la matinée qui sert à la fois de petit déjeuner et de déjeuner. Les brunchs (ou brunches) du dimanche. ● brunch, brunches ou … Encyclopédie Universelle
Brunch — 〈[ brʌ̣ntʃ] m. od. n.; (e)s, (e)s od. e〉 Frühstück u. Mittagessen zugleich am späten Vormittag [verkürzt <engl. breakfast „Frühstück“ + lunch „Mittagessen“] * * * Brunch [brant̮ʃ, …nʃ], der; [e]s u. , [e]s u. e [engl. brunch, zusgez. aus:… … Universal-Lexikon
brunch — [BRĂNCI] s. n. masa de dimineaţă luată mai târziu, ţinând loc atât de mic dejun cât şi de prânz. (< engl. brunch) Trimis de raduborza, 17.03.2008. Sursa: MDN brunch (angl.) [pron. branč] s. n., art. brunch ul; pl. brunch uri Trimis de gall,… … Dicționar Român
brunch — sb., en, er, erne, i sms. brunch , fx brunchpandekager; spise brunch … Dansk ordbog
brunch — [brunch] n. [ BR(EAKFAST) + (L)UNCH] a late first meal of the day that takes the place of both breakfast and lunch vi. to eat brunch bruncher n … English World dictionary
Brunch — 〈 [brʌ̣ntʃ] m. od. n.; Gen.: (e)s, Pl.: (e)s od. e〉 Frühstück u. Mittagessen zugleich am späten Vormittag; einen Brunch einnehmen [Etym.: verkürzt <engl. breakfast »Frühstück« + lunch »Mittagessen«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
brunch — [ brʌntʃ ] noun count or uncount a meal that combines breakfast and lunch and is usually served in the late morning: a special brunch menu brunette or brunet bru|nette or bru|net [ bru net ] noun count a woman with dark brown hair ─ compare BLOND … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
brunch — 1896, British student slang merger of BREAKFAST (Cf. breakfast) and LUNCH (Cf. lunch). To be fashionable nowadays we must brunch . Truly an excellent portmanteau word, introduced, by the way, last year, by Mr. Guy Beringer, in the now defunct… … Etymology dictionary
brunch — runch n. 1. a late breakfast or an early lunch. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English