- punch-drunk
- [ʹpʌntʃdrʌŋk] a
1) в состоянии шока, получивший травму головы или сотрясение мозга (в боксе)2) разг. ошеломлённый, потрясённый
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
punch-drunk — punch ,drunk adjective 1. ) confused because you have not had enough sleep, or are in a very difficult situation: The nurses were punch drunk from overwork. 2. ) a BOXER who is punch drunk has been hit in the head so much that his brain is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
punch-drunk — pənch .drəŋk adj suffering cerebral injury from many minute brain hemorrhages as a result of repeated head blows received in boxing punch drunk·en·ness .drəŋ kən nəs n … Medical dictionary
punch-drunk — adj 1.) informal very confused, especially because you have had a lot of bad luck or have been treated badly 2.) a ↑boxer who is punch drunk is suffering brain damage from being hit on the head … Dictionary of contemporary English
punch-drunk — (izg. pȁnč drȁnk) prid. <indekl.> DEFINICIJA sport izraz za promjene koje se očituju kod boksača kao posljedica ponavljanih ozljeda glave (kronični neurofiziološki poremećaji emocionalne, mentalne i motorne promjene i manjkavosti)… … Hrvatski jezični portal
punch-drunk — [punch′druŋk΄] adj. 1. having or showing a condition resulting from numerous blows on the head, as from boxing, and marked by an unsteady gait, slow muscular movements, hesitant speech, mental confusion, etc. 2. Informal acting dazed or… … English World dictionary
punch drunk — (punchґdrunk″) showing symptoms of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (see under encephalopathy) … Medical dictionary
punch-drunk — punch′ drunk adj. 1) pat spo (of a boxer) showing symptoms of cerebral injury, as unsteadiness, slow muscular movement, and dulled thinking capacity, caused by repeated blows to the head 2) inf befuddled; dazed … From formal English to slang
punch-drunk — [adj] dazed agog, baffled, befuddled, confused, dazzled, dizzy, dumbfounded, dumbstruck, flustered, lost, muddled, perplexed, punchy*, puzzled, rattled, slap happy, staggered; concepts 402,403 … New thesaurus
punch-drunk — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ stupefied by or as if by a series of punches … English terms dictionary
punch-drunk — also punch drunk 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n A punch drunk boxer shows signs of brain damage, for example by being unsteady and unable to think clearly, after being hit too often on the head. 2) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ If you say that someone is punch… … English dictionary
punch-drunk — {adj.} 1. Dazed or become dulled in the mind from being hit in the head. * /He was a punch drunk boxer who made his living shining shoes./ 2. In a foggy state of mind; groggy. * /Mary was so thrilled at winning the contest she acted punch drunk./ … Dictionary of American idioms