- puddle-jumper
- [ʹpʌdl͵dʒʌmpə] n
1. разг. лёгкий самолёт или вертолёт2. сл. старый автомобиль; «старьё», развалина
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Puddle Jumper — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los Puddle Jumper (en España, Jumper. en sudamerica saltacharcos ) son naves ficticias creadas por los Antiguos en la serie Stargate SG 1 y Stargate Atlantis. Contenido 1 Función 2 Estructura y funcionamiento … Wikipedia Español
Puddle Jumper — Première apparition Une Nouvelle Ère, saison 1 (Stargate Atlantis) Statut En service Constructeur Anciens Affiliation … Wikipédia en Français
Puddle jumper — Première apparition SGA 1x01 Une nouvelle ère Statut En service Constructeur Anciens Affiliation … Wikipédia en Français
puddle jumper — n. a small airplane. □ I’m not going to fly 200 miles in that puddle umper! □ My uncle has his own puddle jumper … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
puddle jumper — noun A small passenger airplane, typically used for shorter connecting trips to smaller airports. The flight across country was not bad, but the ride in the puddle jumper between Boston and Connecticut was a little rough … Wiktionary
puddle jumper — noun Date: 1942 slang lightplane … New Collegiate Dictionary
puddle-jumper — /pud l jum peuhr/, n. Slang. 1. a light plane, esp. one traveling only short distances or making many stops. 2. an old, rickety automobile; flivver. Also, puddlejumper. [1930 35; humorously so called because it is used on routes that include… … Universalium
puddle jumper — noun informal, chiefly N. Amer. a small light aircraft used for short trips … English new terms dictionary
puddle-jumper — pud′dle jump er or pud′dle•jump er n. Slang. cvb aer. sts lightplane • Etymology: 1930–35, amer … From formal English to slang
puddle jumper — A colloquial term for a small car. It was used in North America when most cars were very large and was representative of the VW, Austin, Nash Metropolitan, etc … Dictionary of automotive terms
puddle jumper — noun 1. slang a. : a small usually antiquated car or truck b. : lightplane; especially : a military airplane used for low level observation or liaison and sometimes equipped with bazookas 2 … Useful english dictionary