- psychoneuroimmunology
- [͵saıkəʋ͵njʋ(ə)rəʋ(͵)ımjʋʹnɒlədʒı] n мед.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Psychoneuroimmunology — (PNI) is the study of the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body. [cite book | last = Michael Irwin| first = Kavita Vedhara | title = Human Psychoneuroimmunology| publisher = Oxford… … Wikipedia
psychoneuroimmunology — [sī΄kō no͞o΄rō im΄myo͞o näl′ə jē, sī΄kōnyo͞o΄rō im΄myo͞o näl′ə jē] n. the study of how emotional and other psychological responses influence the biochemistry of the brain, hormone production, and the immune response psychoneuroimmunological… … Universalium
psychoneuroimmunology — [sī΄kō no͞o΄rō im΄myo͞o näl′ə jē, sī΄kōnyo͞o΄rō im΄myo͞o näl′ə jē] n. the study of how emotional and other psychological responses influence the biochemistry of the brain, hormone production, and the immune response psychoneuroimmunological… … English World dictionary
psychoneuroimmunology — noun Date: 1982 a branch of medicine that deals with the influence of emotional states (as stress) and nervous system activities on immune function especially in relation to the onset and progression of disease … New Collegiate Dictionary
psychoneuroimmunology — noun the study of the interactions between behavioural, neural, endocrine and immune functions … Wiktionary
psychoneuroimmunology — An area of study that focuses on emotional and other psychologic states that affect the immune system, rendering the individual less or more susceptible to disease or the course of a disease. [psycho + neuro + immunology] * * *… … Medical dictionary
psychoneuroimmunology — psy·cho·neu·ro·immunology … English syllables
psychoneuroimmunology — n. the study of the effects of the mind on the functioning of the immune system, especially in relation to the influence of the mind on susceptibility to disease and the progression of a disease … The new mediacal dictionary
psychoneuroimmunology — psy•cho•neu•ro•im•mu•nol•o•gy [[t]ˌsaɪ koʊˌnʊər oʊˌɪm yəˈnɒl ə dʒi, ˈnyʊər [/t]] n. bio dsc the study of molecular interconnections among the central nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system that may be influential in linking cognition … From formal English to slang
psychoneuroimmunology — ¦sīkō¦n(y)ürō, ¦n(y)u̇rōˌ noun Etymology: psych + neur + immunology : a field of medicine that deals with the influence of emotional states (as stress) and nervous system activity on immune function especially in relation to their effect on the… … Useful english dictionary
Психонейроиммунология (ПНИ) (psychoneuroimmunology) — В течение многих десятилетий значительная часть психологов верила в то, что им удалось решить вопрос об отношении души и тела придя к соглашению, что все «психические явления» могли бы быть сведены к «физическим событиям», происходящим в головном … Психологическая энциклопедия