- prosthodontics
- [͵prɒsθə|ʹdɒnʃıə,-{͵prɒsθə}ʹdɒntıks] n
зубное протезирование
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Prosthodontics — is one of the 9 specialties recognized by the American Dental Association, Royal College of Dentists of Canada, and Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons. A prosthodontist is a dentist who specializes in prosthodontics, the specialty of… … Wikipedia
prosthodontics — ☆ prosthodontics [präs΄thədän′shə, präs΄thə dän′shē əpräs΄thə dän′tiks ] n. [ModL: see PROSTHETIC, ODONT, & ICS] the branch of dentistry dealing with the replacement of missing teeth, as by bridges or artificial dentures: also prosthodontia… … English World dictionary
prosthodontics — /pros theuh don tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of dentistry that deals with the restoration and maintenance of oral function by the replacement of missing teeth and other oral structures by artificial devices. Also, prosthodontia… … Universalium
prosthodontics — prÉ‘sθə dÉ‘ntɪks / dÉ’n n. prosthodontics, branch of dentistry specializing in replacing missing teeth and oral structures with prosthetic devices … English contemporary dictionary
prosthodontics — noun plural but singular or plural in construction Etymology: New Latin prosthodontia, from prosthesis + odontia Date: 1947 prosthetic dentistry … New Collegiate Dictionary
prosthodontics — noun The restoration or replacement of damaged or missing teeth … Wiktionary
prosthodontics — The science of and art of providing suitable substitutes for the coronal portions of teeth, or for one or more lost or missing teeth and their associated parts, in order that impaired function, appearance, comfort, and health of the patient may… … Medical dictionary
prosthodontics — pros·tho·don·tics … English syllables
prosthodontics — prosthetic dentistry; n. the branch of dentistry concerned with the provision of dentures, bridges, and implant retained prostheses … The new mediacal dictionary
prosthodontics — pros•tho•don•tics [[t]ˌprɒs θəˈdɒn tɪks[/t]] also pros•tho•don•tia [[t] ˈdɒn ʃə, ʃi ə[/t]] n. (used with a sing. v.) den the branch of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing teeth and related oral structures by artificial devices •… … From formal English to slang
prosthodontics — /prɒsθəˈdɒntɪks/ (say prosthuh dontiks) noun the branch of dentistry concerned with the reconstruction and replacement of missing teeth. Also, prosthodontia. {prosth(esis) + odont + ics} –prosthodontist, noun …