- prom-trotter
- [ʹprɒm͵trɒtə] n амер. студ. жарг.
1) студентка, имеющая много поклонников; любительница танцев2) студент, любящий танцы и развлечения3) дамский угодник, герой-любовник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Donna Loren — performing the song Goldfinger on Shindig (1965) Born Donna Zukor March 7, 1947 (1947 03 07) … Wikipedia
List of Zoey 101 characters — The following is a from the Nickelodeon TV series, Zoey 101. Contents 1 Main characters 1.1 Zoey Brooks 1.2 Dustin Brooks 1.3 Chase Matthews … Wikipedia
List of characters on Zoey 101 — tudentsZoey BrooksZoey (Seasons 1 4), started at Pacific Coast Academy ( Home of the Stingrays ) as an eighth grader (in Season One). During the four seasons, her hair goes from: blonde, to brown, to brown on the bottom and blonde on top. Almost… … Wikipedia
Список телесериалов по наименованию — Содержание 1 Русскоязычные 2 На других языках 3 0 9 4 Латиница … Википедия
Questlove — ?uestlove Questlove in 2006 Background information Birth name Ahmir Khalib Thompson Born January 20, 1971 … Wikipedia
Dr Manhattan (band) — Dr. Manhattan Origin Wauconda, Illinois, USA Genres Alternative rock Indie Rock Electronic Years active 2005–2010 Labels … Wikipedia
List of fictitious films — This is a list of fictitious films that have been referenced in various forms of media. These films are usually part of the storyline in a movie or television episode, usually either as a prop or as a recurring theme visited throughout, such as… … Wikipedia
Global Night Commute — The Global Night Commute (GNC) was a worldwide event organized by the makers of the film Invisible Children through the organization Invisible Children Inc. The GNC took place on April 29 2006. Youths from around the world walked to city centers… … Wikipedia