Смотреть что такое "probationary" в других словарях:
probationary — pro‧ba‧tion‧a‧ry [prəˈbeɪʆnri ǁ proʊˈbeɪʆneri] adjective [only before a noun] HUMAN RESOURCES relating to the period of time during which a new employee is tested to make sure they are suitable for a job: • Applicants hired should work a… … Financial and business terms
Probationary — Pro*ba tion*a*ry, a. Of or pertaining to probation; serving for trial. [1913 Webster] To consider this life . . . as a probationary state. Paley. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
probationary — index tentative Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
probationary — pro|ba|tion|ar|y [ prə beıʃn,eri ] adjective a probationary period is a time during which someone who has been given a new job is watched to see whether they can do the job well and stay in the position a. relating to someone who has been given a … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
probationary — [[t]prəbe͟ɪʃənəri, AM proʊbe͟ɪʃəneri[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n A probationary period is a period after someone starts a job, during which their employer can decide whether the person is suitable and should be allowed to continue. The National Union of… … English dictionary
probationary — UK [prəˈbeɪʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪ] / US [prəˈbeɪʃ(ə)nˌerɪ] adjective a) a probationary period is a time during which someone who has been given a new job is watched to see whether they can do the job well and stay in the position b) relating to someone who… … English dictionary
probationary — probation ► NOUN 1) Law the release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behaviour under supervision. 2) the process of testing the character or abilities of a person in a certain role. DERIVATIVES probationary adjective … English terms dictionary
probationary — adjective under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon probationary employees a provisional government just a tentative schedule • Syn: ↑provisional, ↑provisionary, ↑tentative • Similar to: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
probationary period — n. A specified time during which an employer may assess the skills and suitability of a new hire and may choose to terminate the employee if he or she is deemed not suitable. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of… … Law dictionary
probationary period — The initial trial period of employment for career USPS employees. For bargaining unit employees, the probationary period is the first 90 calendar days; for nonbargaining unit employees, the period is the first 6 months. During this period, access … Glossary of postal terms
probationary — adjective see probation … New Collegiate Dictionary