- pro-life
- [prəʋʹlaıf] a
возражающий против абортов (об организации, движении и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pro-life — is a term representing a variety of perspectives and activist movements in bioethics. It is most commonly (especially in the media and popular discourse) refers to opposition to abortion and support for fetal rights. The term describes the… … Wikipedia
Pro-life — Pro vie Pro vie (tiré du néologisme anglais pro life) est un mouvement regroupant associations et personnes, croyantes ou non, défendant le « droit à la vie », à travers l opposition à l avortement et à toute forme d euthanasie. Les… … Wikipédia en Français
pro-life — (adj.) opposed to abortion, first attested 1976, from PRO (Cf. pro ) + LIFE (Cf. life). Hostile alternative anti choice attested 1978 in Ms. magazine (see PRO CHOICE (Cf. pro choice)). What hypocrisy to call such anti humanitarian people pro life … Etymology dictionary
pro-life — adj someone who is pro life is opposed to ↑abortion and uses this word to describe their opinion →↑pro choice ▪ a pro life activist … Dictionary of contemporary English
pro-life — pro life′ adj. cvb opposed to legalized abortion; right to life Compare pro choice • Etymology: 1960–65 pro lif′er, n … From formal English to slang
pro-life — pro life, pro choice These terms are so widely used in the context of the moral debate about abortion, denoting respectively those who are opposed to it and those who believe mothers should be left to make a choice, that they can seem to have… … Modern English usage
pro-life — a. Same as {antiabortion}; used by those opposed to voluntary abortion, to emphasize their view of a fetus as already living, and to avoid the negative tone of a word beginning with anti . [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pro-life — [prō′līf′] adj. opposing the legal right to obtain an abortion pro lifer n … English World dictionary
pro-life — ( )prō līf adj ANTIABORTION … Medical dictionary
pro-life — adjective believing that pregnant women should not be allowed to have an ABORTION ╾ ,pro lifer noun count … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pro-life — /proʊ ˈlaɪf/ (say proh luyf) adjective of or relating to the pro life movement …