- prick(-)ears
- [ʹprıkıəz] (ń) pl
1. 1) остроконечные, стоячие уши (особ. у собаки)2) ушки на макушке2. «голоухие» (прозвище пуритан)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
prick ears up — prick (your) ears up informal to start to listen carefully to what someone is saying, often because you think you may find out something interesting. Eve pricked her ears up when she heard her name being mentioned … New idioms dictionary
prick ear — noun Etymology: back formation from prick eared : an ear carried stiffly erect prick ears are required of most terriers by the breed standards … Useful english dictionary
Prick Up Your Ears (Padre de familia) — Prick Up Your Ears Episodio de Padre de familia Título Ábrete de orejas (España) Por las orejas (Latinoamérica) Episodio nº 6 Temporada 5 Escrito por … Wikipedia Español
Prick Up Your Ears — Données clés Réalisation Stephen Frears Scénario Alan Bennett d après la biographie écrite par John Larr Acteurs principaux Gary Oldman Alfred Molina Vanessa Redgrave Frances Barber Julie Walters … Wikipédia en Français
Prick — Prick, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pricked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pricking}.] [AS. prician; akin to LG. pricken, D. prikken, Dan. prikke, Sw. pricka. See {Prick}, n., and cf. {Prink}, {Prig}.] 1. To pierce slightly with a sharp pointed instrument or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
prick up one's ears — {v. phr.}, {informal} To come to interested attention; begin to listen closely; try to hear. * /The woman pricked up her ears when she heard them talking about her./ … Dictionary of American idioms
prick up one's ears — {v. phr.}, {informal} To come to interested attention; begin to listen closely; try to hear. * /The woman pricked up her ears when she heard them talking about her./ … Dictionary of American idioms
prick — [prik] n. [ME prike < OE prica, point, dot, akin to Du prik, MHG pfrecken] 1. a very small puncture or, formerly, dot, made by a sharp point 2. Archaic any of various pointed objects, as a thorn, goad, etc. 3. PRICKING 4. a sharp pain caused… … English World dictionary
prick — (n.) O.E. prica (n.) point, puncture, particle; prician (v.) to prick, from W.Gmc. *prikojanan (Cf. Low Ger. pricken, Du. prikken to prick ); Dan. prikke to mark with dots, Swed. pricka to point, prick, mark with dots are probably from Low German … Etymology dictionary
prick up your ears — If you prick up your ears, you listen very carefully. ( Pick up your ears is also used.) … The small dictionary of idiomes
prick your ears up — prick (your) ears up informal to start to listen carefully to what someone is saying, often because you think you may find out something interesting. Eve pricked her ears up when she heard her name being mentioned … New idioms dictionary