- Pribilof Islands
- [ʹprıbılɒfʹaıləndz] геогр.
острова Прибылова
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pribilof Islands — Karte der Inselgruppe Gewässer Beringmeer Geographische Lage … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pribilof Islands — [prib′ə läf΄] [after Gavril Pribylov, Russ sea captain, c. 1786] group of four Alaskan islands in the Bering Sea, north of the Aleutian Islands: noted as a breeding place of seals … English World dictionary
Pribilof Islands — The Pribilof Islands (often called the Fur Seal Islands , Russian: Kotovi ) are a group of four volcanic islands, part of the US state of Alaska, lying in the Bering Sea, about 200 miles (320 km) north of Unalaska and 200 miles south of Cape… … Wikipedia
Pribilof Islands — /prib euh lawf , lof / a group of islands in the Bering Sea, SW of Alaska, and belonging to the U.S.: the breeding ground of fur seals. * * * Group of islands, southeastern Bering Sea, Alaska, U.S. It includes St. Paul, St. George, and three… … Universalium
Pribilof Islands — Sp Pribylovo sãlos Ap Pribilof Islands Sp Pribilofo sãlos Ap Fur Seal Islands L Beringo j., JAV (Aliaska) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Pribilof Islands — geographical name islands Alaska in Bering Sea … New Collegiate Dictionary
Pribilof Islands — Prịbilof Islands [ aɪləndz], Pribylow|inseln, Inselgruppe im Beringmeer, zu Alaska (USA) gehörend, rd. 450 km2, von wenigen Aleuten bewohnt; Sommerplätze der Bärenrobben … Universal-Lexikon
Pribilof Islands — Prib′i•lof Is′lands [[t]ˈprɪb əˌlɔf, ˌlɒf[/t]] n. geg a group of islands in the Bering Sea, SW of Alaska, and belonging to the U.S … From formal English to slang
Pribilof Islands — /prɪbəlɒf ˈaɪləndz/ (say pribuhlof uyluhndz) plural noun a group of islands in the Bering Sea, south west of Alaska, and belonging to the US; the breeding ground of fur seals …
Pribilof Islands — /prib euh lawf , lof / a group of islands in the Bering Sea, SW of Alaska, and belonging to the U.S.: the breeding ground of fur seals … Useful english dictionary
Pribilof Islands — Alaska … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors