- prehensive
- [prıʹhensıv] a книжн.
1) хватающий2) схватывающий; понимающий
prehensive mind - восприимчивый ум
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
prehensive mind - восприимчивый ум
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
prehensive — pre·hen·sive … English syllables
prehensive — n(t)siv, sēv also səv adjective Etymology: Latin prehensus + English ive 1. : prehensile 2. : of or relating to prehension … Useful english dictionary
pre|hen|so|ry — «pree HEHN suhr ee», adjective. = prehensive. (Cf. ↑prehensive) … Useful english dictionary
Kyrklig förnyelse — (name translates church revival or churchly renewal , published in 1935) is a manifesto of the Scandinavian Lutheran High Church movement, written by Swedish priest Gunnar Rosendal. Kyrklig förnyelse was the first of many books by Rosendal that… … Wikipedia
Shou bo — Sommaire 1 Quelques repères historiques 2 L’approche contemporaine du Shou Bo 3 Le versant sportif du Shou Bo : respect et non violence 4 Lie … Wikipédia en Français
metaphysics — /met euh fiz iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. the branch of philosophy that treats of first principles, includes ontology and cosmology, and is intimately connected with epistemology. 2. philosophy, esp. in its more abstruse branches. 3. the… … Universalium
prehensile — adjective /prɪˈhɛn.saɪl,priˈhɛnsəl/ Able to take hold of and clasp objects; adapted for grasping especially by wrapping around an object. Some monkeys have prehensile tails which they use to pick things up. See Also: prehensive … Wiktionary
prehension — noun the act of grasping or gripping something, especially with the hands See Also: apprehension, prehensile, prehensive … Wiktionary
German Trade-Union Federation — (Deutsche Gewerkschafts bund, DGB) On 20 November 1918 Gustav Hartmann, a founder of the DDP and leader of the nonsocialist Hirsch Duncker Federation of German Labor As sociations (Verband der deutschen Gewerkvereine), and Adam Stegerwald,*… … Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik
primate — [ primat ] n. m. • 1823; lat. primas, atis « qui est au premier rang » 1 ♦ Zool. Animal de l ordre des mammifères placentaires, à dentition complète et à main préhensile. L ordre des primates (lémuriens, tarsiens, simiens; hominiens). 2 ♦ Fam.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
quadrumane — [ k(w)adryman ] adj. et n. • 1766; bas lat. quadrumanus ♦ Zool. Dont les quatre membres sont terminés par une main, un organe de préhension. N. Un quadrumane : un animal quadrumane. ⇒ singe. ● quadrumane adjectif et nom masculin (bas latin… … Encyclopédie Universelle