- pre-English
- 1. [͵pri:ʹıŋglıʃ] n лингв.
доанглийский или праанглийский язык2. [͵pri:ʹıŋglıʃ] a лингв., этн.доанглийский, праанглийский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pre-English — /pri ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ (say pree ingglish) noun 1. the ancient Germanic dialect which by differentiation from its sister dialects eventually became English. 2. the languages current in Britain before the English settlement. –adjective 3. relating to the… …
pre-English — adj. * * * … Universalium
pre-English — adj … Useful english dictionary
English prefixes — are affixes (i.e., bound morphemes that provide lexical meaning) that are added before either simple roots or complex bases (or operands) consisting of (a) a root and other affixes, (b) multiple roots, or (c) multiple roots and other affixes.… … Wikipedia
English art — is the body of visual arts originating from the nation of England, in the form of a continuous tradition. Following historical surveys such as Creative Art In England by William Johnstone (1936 and 1950), Nikolaus Pevsner attempted a definition… … Wikipedia
Pre-medical — (often shortened to pre med) is a term used to describe a track an undergraduate student in the United States pursues prior to becoming a medical student. It refers to the activities that prepare an undergraduate student for medical school, such… … Wikipedia
English Defence League — (EDL) Abbreviation EDL Motto In hoc signo vinces Formation 27 June 2 … Wikipedia
English grammar — is a body of rules (grammar) specifying how phrases and sentences are constructed in the English language. Accounts of English grammar tend to fall into two groups: the descriptivist , which describes the grammatical system of English; and the… … Wikipedia
English for Integrated Studies Project — English for Integrated Studies (EIS) is a model of bilingual education in which students learn core subjects (Mathematics, Science and Computer) in English. Students will learn to understand more English through their basic knowledge and literacy … Wikipedia
Pre-1773 History of the Jesuits — Society of Jesus, History of the (Before 1773) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► History of the Jesuits Before the 1773 Suppression Italy The history of the Jesuits in Italy was generally very peaceful. The only serious disturbances were… … Catholic encyclopedia
Pre-Romanesque art and architecture — is the period in Western European art from either the emergence of the Merovingian kingdom in about 500 or from the Carolingian Renaissance in the late 8th century, to the beginning of the 11th century Romanesque period. The term is generally… … Wikipedia