- adumbrate
- [ʹædʌmbreıt] v книжн.
1. 1) делать набросок; намечать контур2) тех. эскизировать2. 1) знаменовать, предвещать2) туманно намекать, делать неопределённые предсказания3. затемнять, затенять
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Adumbrate — Ad*um brate, v. t. [L. adumbratus, p. p. of adumbrare; ad + umbrare to shade; umbra shadow.] [1913 Webster] 1. To give a faint shadow or slight representation of; to outline; to shadow forth. [1913 Webster] Both in the vastness and the richness… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adumbrate — index blind (obscure), camouflage, hint, obfuscate, obnubilate, obscure, portend, portray … Law dictionary
adumbrate — (v.) to outline, to sketch, 1580s, from L. adumbratus sketched, shadowed in outline, pp. of adumbrare to represent (a thing) in outline (see ADUMBRATION (Cf. adumbration)). Meaning to overshadow is 1660s. Related: Adumbrated; adumbrating … Etymology dictionary
adumbrate — *suggest, shadow Analogous words: symbolize, typify, emblematize (see corresponding nouns at SYMBOL): signify, denote, *mean … New Dictionary of Synonyms
adumbrate — ► VERB formal 1) give a faint or general idea of. 2) foreshadow. DERIVATIVES adumbration noun. ORIGIN Latin adumbrare shade, overshadow … English terms dictionary
adumbrate — [ad um′brāt΄, ad′əm brāt΄] vt. adumbrated, adumbrating [< L adumbratus, pp. of adumbrari, to shade < ad , to + umbra, SHADE] 1. to outline in a shadowy way; sketch 2. to suggest beforehand; foreshadow in a vague way 3. to obscure;… … English World dictionary
adumbrate — UK [ˈædʌmˌbreɪt] / US [ˈædəmˌbreɪt] / US [əˈdʌmˌbreɪt] verb [transitive] Word forms adumbrate : present tense I/you/we/they adumbrate he/she/it adumbrates present participle adumbrating past tense adumbrated past participle adumbrated formal to… … English dictionary
adumbrate — transitive verb ( brated; brating) Etymology: Latin adumbratus, past participle of adumbrare, from ad + umbra shadow more at umbrage Date: 1581 1. to foreshadow vaguely ; intimate 2. to sugge … New Collegiate Dictionary
adumbrate — adumbration, n. /a dum brayt, ad euhm brayt /, v.t., adumbrated, adumbrating. 1. to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch. 2. to foreshadow; prefigure. 3. to darken or conceal partially; overshadow. [1575 85; < L… … Universalium
adumbrate — verb a) To foreshadow vaguely. b) To give a vague outline … Wiktionary
adumbrate — Synonyms and related words: allude to, argue, augur, auspicate, becloud, bedim, bespeak, betoken, block out, bode, body forth, call, chalk out, characterize, cloud, darken, demonstrate, denote, dim, draft, drop a hint, embody, exemplify, figure,… … Moby Thesaurus